Hello,I'm trying to purchase a plot of land for €33.000

11/09/2020 - 20:38


I'm trying to purchase a plot of land for €33.000 in Aosta valley and the real estate agency contacted the notary for exact fee and they are telling me that notary fees a total €4.300  (rimborso spese €3200 + compesi €901,64 + iva €198,36).   This seems extremely high.  Can someone explain to me "rimborso spese" and what does it entail?





I can put you in contact with a reliable geometra in the Valle D’Aosta if you still require.

Regards Liz

It depends what type of land it is.     Has the notary told you how much tax you need to pay?  It could be 5000 euros or thereabouts.   Rimborso spese - is costs,  and it does seem very high - unless the ntary means he has/will pay the tax on your behalf and you then pay him back - as is the norm nowadays.  

In what way set?  Taxes are calculated on the price paid for land.  Notaries are paid  in bands according to the purchase price and typology of act.    A sale for a piece of land and a house are difficult to compare. 

Hi @RecreationalTerra, I'm currently looking at a plot of land in Aosta Valley with the same (unusual) price tag. What happened with your purchase? Did it go ahead or you walked away? And if you walked away, I would be very grateful if you could tell where the plot was and what became the deal-breaker.