Avoiding motorway traffic driving north from Marche at start of September

robert Image
04/14/2011 - 18:43

I am intending to leave Marche on Sat 3 Sep by car to drive home. Will I miss the traffic that causes huge jams on the motorway as Italians drive home from their summer holidays?



Even on busy weekends i find if i leave Campofilone (near Pedaso) at 0330 I am through the traffic blackspots before anything bad happens.  have a good trip   F

The autostrade italiane publish a sort of calendar where they show you which days, and at which times,  in August and September they'll advise you how crowded they expect their routes to be. If you opt for one of their 'black spotted' times it isn't a good idea to drive then! I'd hoped to find their calendar for 2011, but I didn't mange to do this. Maybe you could do better, and this is a good starting point http://www.autostrade.it/en/autostrade/home.do

In reply to by robert

A tiny bit of further research suggests that the autostrade publish the calendar sometime around the end of July! Well, that is early enough, isn't it. As other posters have said, notorious bottlenecks (like the San Gottardo tunnel) are best avoided at weekends - certainly on Sunday evenings when the Swiss are trying to get back home and the Milanese likewise. Saturday evening (when it seems to me you are likely to hit this spot) would be better than Sunday - but something like Tuesday lunchtime would be the best.

Thanks Fillide. As we'll spend a night near Milan we'll get to the tunnel Sun morning so maybe we'll leave the day before to get there Sat middayish. We can't afford to leave Italy till Monday/Tuesday.  I'd like to wait till calendar is available but late July could become early August and I want to book the return Eurotunnel trip + another night in France on the way.