Travelling across the border into France & Monaco

04/20/2011 - 09:30

Can anyone in or around Ventimiglia tell me what it is like getting over the border to France/Monaco at the moment? We have a small baby and don't want to get stuck on a train/in the car for hours at some checkpoint. Thanks



Hi Penny, I just had a play with that link myself and all the roads look clear, clicking on a webcam gives you a LIVE view of the traffic, I have no idea re the trains, and I'm not sure sad where the border is (!) S

  It’s always congested around Ventimilgia unless you time it right i.e. when the shops are closed but usually ok once you are through the tolls.  The coast road is a much nicer journey though but slightly longer.  Best to avoid Ventimiglia altogether on a Friday when it is market day but I guess you’ve found that out already! Wow great link ...thanks sprostonismiley but where do you click to find the webcam?    

In reply to by Casa Monal

The links for the webcams are on the maps themselves, they look like small dark blue 'cameras', click on any and it shows the actual traffic.... S

Thanks Sprostoni (great website) but unfortunately no webcams on the French/Ligurian border :-( Casa Monal - we were thinking more in terms of the stops and controls the French have been doing due to the immigrants/refugees gathering in Ventimiglia and trying to get into France. Just didn't fancy getting caught up in all that.

We always come and go across that border whenever we are in Italy. About a week ago there was no waiting and no queues noticeable on either side. I think that French authorities will be checking trains and buses but will not bother with private cars.