Driving to Italy - Swiss Motorway Vignette

05/23/2011 - 09:45

Today I received an email from the Swiss Travel Centre.  The relevant portion is;- "The GBP price for a Vignette will increase from 01 June 2011 and we wanted to give you the opportunity to purchase this years’ Vignette before the price rise comes into place. Unfortunately the weak pound has forced the Swiss Authorities to raise the GBP price from £ 25.50 to £ 28.50 for all Vignettes bought on or after 01 June 2011." So, if you are planning to travel through Switzerland this year, it makes sense to save a few pennies and book your Vignette before the beginning of June.     "



In reply to by sprostoni

"I assume the one that we have (should we choose to use it) still 'works'?" Yes - as long as its for 2011 - it should remain valid to end of Jan 2012

We're driving down in September, so I went straight onto the Swiss Travel Centre site after reading your message, Alan.  The vignette is still £25.50, but then there's a booking fee of £3.50.  I didn't go any futher with the form and couldn't find information about the credit card fee and delivery fee.  So,  it seems to me it has to still be cheaper to buy the vignette at the last petrol station before Basle, as we always do. Or, am I missing something...?

Blue & Mon - £29 was the full online price when we got ours that way a few weeks ago. We paid by credit card so no extra fees for that or delivery.

Blue & Mon - We bought ours from the Swiss Travel Centre. We had the same email yesterday as Alan had. If I remember correctly it was a bit misleading as to whether or not there would be a delivery charge until you got through to the last page. Hope this helps.

It would seem to be £29 all up as Sanatmarinese says - there is a 3.50 booking fee but no card or delivery fee. Peanuts but I asume with the increase it will cost 28.50 from the station nr Basel or does it cost more once you are there?If not, little difference at the moment apart from peace of mind - which amounts to quite a bit in my book - however it will be £32 with the increase from the STC after 1st June so will save by buying over there after next week

" I asume with the increase it will cost 28.50 from the station nr Basel " Don't think so - its the GB Pound  price that has gone up - not the Euro Price  [at least, thats how I read the email]

Although it is illegal to resell a vignette and Ebay do sometimes cancel auctions, quite a few do get sold. I have for the last 3 years bought this way and bought one, unused for £20 inc postage last month

In reply to by Milky Bar Kid

I'd never dreamt of that (and with the greatest respect I also couldn't/wouldn't be bothered), but well done you. This January 30th (2011), on my way to the UK, I just went through the 'border' pulled over, and paid my (30-ish euros) and went on my way. I THOUGHT that my current sticker was valid until December 31st 2011, but I'm hearing that it could be valid until the END of January 2012. I have a particular interest in the actual dates as I am going to Bavaria for Christmas and New year this year so therefore I was thinking that I would be able to go via Switzerland on the way THERE (Dec 6th ish), but my vignette would NOT be valid on the way BACK (Jan 6th ish) ? S

This may help: I've just found this information about the vignette: "Seit 1995 kostet die Autobahnvignette in der Schweiz 40 Franken. Der Preis in Euro ist abhängig vom Wechselkurs und beträgt für das Jahr 2010 27,50€ (seit 1. Juni 2010 29.00€, seit 1. Oktober 2010 31,50€)" which, if my German serves me correctly, means: "Since 1995 the Swiss motorway vignette has cost 40 francs.  The price in euros depends on the rate of exchange and in 2010 amounted to 27.50 euros (from 1st June 2010 29.00 euros, from 1st October 2010 31.50 euros)" I think we'll carry on buying one at the petrol station north of Basle, as we've always done, and hope that the pound holds up against the Swiss franc ...

 "I have a particular interest in the actual dates as I am going to Bavaria for Christmas and New year this year so therefore I was thinking that I would be able to go via Switzerland on the way THERE (Dec 6th ish), but my vignette would NOT be valid on the way BACK (Jan 6th ish) ?" The Swiss Travel Centre website states;- "The Swiss Motorway vignettes are valid for multiple re-entries into Switzerland. The vignette is valid between 1st December of the previous year and 31st January of the following year (printed on the vignette). If taking a trailer or a caravan, you will need to purchase an extra vignette"

>>And you can sell it again when you get home!     The vignette is a sticker. It is illegal to use it not stuck to the windscreen. It sticks like something to a blanket and is impossible to take off in one piece, which is why my car still sports a 2008 vignette.

  We met a Swiss/German couple when we were ‘in residence’ last month.  They told us that the proposed cost of the vignette from 2013 will be between 120-160 Swiss Francsurprise  The good news is that the Swiss government still have to approve this.  Apparently there will be various options and concessions but these are also still unclear.  

Hi I live in Switzerland  and have heard nothing about a proposed price increase As for removal, there is a great fellow that you will all drive past if you cross at CHiasso who washes the car inside and out and removes all of your old stickers (CH and Austrian) for just €15.  He is at the roundabout near Bennett Supermarket at Como Nord so you can leave the car, get last bit of shopping and come back to sparkly car with no 'orrible old stickers 

"As for removal, there is a great fellow that you will all drive past if you cross at CHiasso who washes the car inside and out and removes all of your old stickers (CH and Austrian) for just €15." Bet he sells the current ones on!!!!!!!!

laugh Alan...you're probably right!   Someone has to pay for the improvements to the Gotthard tunnel and according to the politicians, it should be the end user.  The Swiss/German couple have family members who are involved in local politics so it seems they are far more in the know than us mere mortals.  Using the French motorways costs more than double the price of a Swiss vignette and that’s the argument apparently. I guess it’s a case of watch this space…indecision

  We drove home last Saturday via the Grand St Bernard Pass (only open June – September) Absolutely stunning and breathtaking views, much better than the Gotthard Pass (in my opinion). And of course no queues to contend with!  And the icing on the cake was seeing the adorable and lovable Saint Bernard dogs. Lots of reasonably priced accommodations in traditional villages like Orsières and Bourg-St-Pierre.  We will definitely use this route again. Ideal for Piedmont and Liguria. PS Avoid the St Bernard tunnel as you have to pay to use it, about 25 Euro.