Beware the Polizia this summer

06/07/2011 - 11:16

Our friend was stopped by a policeman yesterday in her car. My friend says she thinks it's because her car had Spanish plates that it seemed like a flashing beacon light to this particular policeman. He was quite rude and shouty to her apparently. The copper wanted to see a "pink slip" which she thought was equivalent to the UK's V5. She said in Spain, they don't have that documentation at all. Policeman says Spain should do because Italy have this. She had all the needed documents. Apart from the mysterious "pink slip". Our friend travels a lot because of work in Italy, Spain, and UK all year round. She bought the car from Spain a few years back and as European citizen anyone would think it's OK to drive around with it in Europe, so long as insurance and taxes, etc are up-to-date. Policeman told her to change the plates to Italian ones because she rents a place in Italy. Because  our friend was insisting that the there is no "pink slip", he disappeared to his car and came back with a thick, multi-lingual book. When asked what language she prefers she said she didn't mind. She asked him to read the English version (which had DVLA's prescribed documents), and then the Spanish one. After finishing the Spanish requirements, he said "O...non c'è". My friend quietly said, "I did say it doesn't exist in Spain", and then the copper lost it and said "Oh well...I'll give you a fine of €80 anyway...give me €80 because you should have Italian plates!! She then showed her empty purse. Policeman then said "If I ever see you again..." then made an imaginary I'll-cut-your-head-off gesture to his neck. Just to warn everyone who's going to Civitanova beaches. Police cars are constantly parked up in most areas, checking other cars and that policeman did tell our friend they're "stiffer this year". Anyway, let us know if you're going to be near us. We know of a good restaurant serving fresh seafood. Cheers, Joy x



Probably a one off as most Polizia we have come across have been very polite and helpful. Maybe it's because we drive a UK reg Car, but we have never had any problems; as long as you are polite and show respect for them and don't argue the 'toss'. He probably didn't get his dose of espresso that morning and had a stale pastry....

There was an article in the papers about the new codice stradale and they said the police will be much stricter in enforcing the one year rule for foreign registered vehicles due to the high number of Eastern European workers who never re-register their vehicles.

Hi Joy Its our 30th wedding anniversary next month, my wife is an angel to put up with me for so long it must be said. Well thats what our children tell me anyway, I just get "that look" husbands know so well from my wife. Anyway, we hit the coast at Civitanova, where would you recommend for fish or anywhere else for a splash out. I was thinking of Madonnina del Pescatore up past Ancona but it is a bit of a shlep. Thanks Charlie  

In reply to by Sibillini

If you find yourself amongst the mad crowd in Lungomare Nord (Civitanova town), the place to go is a little place called Chalet de San Marco by the beach. They have their own little fishing boats which carry the catch of the day. Hence, if you order something from the menu which their fishermen didn't get, they can't serve it to you. That's how fresh their seafood seems to be. Although most restaurants along the beachfront are pricey, San Marco is good value for dosh. The right time to go is week days. Weekends are difficult. Crowded on the beach and nowhere to park your car. Also, it's worth ringing them up for reservations as they can be full quite quickly. Locals tend to use them as well. Their details: Lungomare nord 62012 - Civitanova marche (MC) italia tel: 0733.775746 Hope you have a nice time. Joy smiley

In reply to by Sibillini

I can reccomend a place in Civitanova, off the beach or, if you are going south, two in porto San Giorgio   For Civ, use the hotel on the eastern end of the main piazza called Miramare.  Excellent fish, especially in guazetto.  In PSG either the resto in Hotel Royal or my favorite, campanelli in the centre.  The details are on tripadvisor as i did a review on it   Buon appetito   F

In reply to by TheItalianLife

Many thanks F, we will add PSG to the list of places to visit. I guess we just tend to get very lazy when we get to our hillside and so must do a little more exploring. Charlie

We have been regularly travelling to Italy from Spain and our car has Spanish plates. From our experience, police has never bothered about us, although my Italian neighbour warned me that they seem to be stopping more people for any reason... I would also say that this particular policeman was having a bad day.

Hi Gala Placidia .................we MIGHT do the return journey (Italy to Spain) one year, do you drive all of the way or get a boat (from Genoa)? How long does it/would it take to drive ? Thanks in advance, S

In reply to by sprostoni

We drive at least twice a year and it is a pleasant trip. Our home in Spain is in San Sebastian, so we go accross the Spanish/French border and drive on the E80 up to Montpellier and from there to Cannes or Antibes where we overnight. We stop several times on our way and sometimes we go to Carcasonne (absolutely beautiful) for lunch. Next day, to Bagni di Lucca but taking it easy and we may stop at Portofino or Santa Margherita for lunch. We have never taken the ferry as we travel with our little dog and she prefers to be all the time with us. If there are two people driving you could do the trip in one day, but we prefer it this way and take it as part of our holiday. If you need further information, just ask.

It is something that has puzzled me in recent visits to italy re stop and search powers of the police/carabineri. They seem to be able to ask you to pull over for no reason - ie at random. Our border police have been told by Brussels that stopping people 'at random' was against EU law - and that to stop someone they need 'probable cause' or 'some reason' to stop your vehicle. Does this not apply to the police in Italy - surely if your driving badly, things are falling off your car or theres something obviously wrong that the police can't just stop you? thanks  

you are referring to the uk border farce?   They let everybody in, a totaly incompetent organisation. It is not the EU's fault that they prefer not to check people like it is not EU's fault that the NHS gives free treatment to all and sundry as soon as they set foot in the country. You don't get that in all other european countries. Here you have to produce private healthcare cover before being granted residence for example. The UK is well and truly sunk in a sea of political correctness. I feel sorry for the fools who keep paying taxes for nhs and benefits tourists who have no intention of ever paying in the system.

Alanino in Italy it is a requirement that you carry your ID papers with you and also that your vehicle is roadworthy and insured and that you have the correct vehicle documentation with you. They can use any of those reasons to stop you to check if you're complying. In Europe all Police have these powers, they call it 'Reasonable Cause'....

Dear Flip, Guess my point was that they shouldnt be able to stop you randomly just  'to see if you are carrying your ID'. If you had to show your ID clearly in the window of your car, and it was not there, then yes - but otherwise no.

Actually I'm very glad that the Polizia and Carabinieri stop drivers, it helps to cut down crime and tightens up immigration issues. It takes those with no Insurance and faulty vehicles off the road, along with drunk drivers. If you are not doing anything wrong, what's the problem ? I'd rather be pulled over and have to show my documents than have an uninsured driver crash into me with all the hassle that would involve. Anyway the Police do have criteria they used for stopping vehicles, so my friendly neighbourhood PM tells me.

It only bugs me being stopped when I'm on my way home with my lovely fresh takeaway pizza! Based on the experience of a friend, if you have non Italian plates, but have an Italian ID card, do not show this ID card as your ID when stopped or they will fine you for not changing the plates (or at least try)