Key Stuck in Italian Door

07/30/2011 - 05:59

I have a key stuck in my outside door lock. The key will turn left and right but never far enough either way to actually engage the lock. The door can still be opened from the inside, but this means someone must always be home.I have one of those long keys that goes with my heavy duty lock. I have tried spray to lubricate it, but to no avail.Any other suggestions? Or can someone recommend a fabbro (smith) in Rome? It sounds like an expensive problem to have...


In reply to by Flip

Oh thank goodness. The fabbro told me it would be 350 for a new lock.  Luckily, he was able to fix the one we have! With a screw driver and a mallet, he knocked the old key straight out. Destroyed the key, but not the lock.   If anyone needs a locksmith in Rome, let me know. Fabrizio was great! CAREFUL with your crazy Italian locks and keys. I got a lecture about how I must always pull the door towards me when locking and unlocking the door.

If you can find a locksmith - there should be plenty about (or even a joiner, they seem to fix these things) it is probably just some adjustment needed to the lock fixing to make the same key turn like it did when it was new. Have a look yourself and see if any screws have come loose (ones which you might be able to see from the inside, either around the lock or at the places where the bars enter the frame) and tighten them up a bit. Even that might solve the problem! Don't try to force the key though, that could get expensive.

We had a similar case a couple of years ago. Called the locksmith who was able to fix it. Expensive "visit" but less expensive and messy than having to change the lock.

Hi everyone! Thank you for the advice.  It's been crazy trying to get a locksmith to come out. An 'emergency' visit costs 200 euro!! So we've been patiently waiting for an appointment. Really hoping that it's possible to remove the key and use the same lock. As far as I can see, there are no loose screws or broken parts.  We have a double lock that needs to be turned twice and it seems like the key was stuck mid-turn, so now it's in there "upside down."