Latest AP health update

08/08/2011 - 11:59


I read in the paper that the 13 ASUR's will be amanlgamated into 5 large super areas to save money. Part of this will mena that 6 mountain communities' that are part of Fermo will move under Fermo for healthcare. They are: Amandola/ Montefalcone/ Santa Vittoria/ Smerillo/ Montefortino and sorry - can't remember the other one. The comune's mayors are fighting this as they were not consulted and do not want Amandola hospital to become pat of Fermo. Personally I don't care which we're under so long as we get our proper healthcover!!

I'm sure you're right but I won't hold my breathe. They still haven't transferred all services to Fermo from Ascoli from the creation of the new province in 2008 so nothing will happen quickly.

In reply to by Penny

unless something unexpected happens all that will change shortly.The new economic budget just emanated from the government has just abolished between 35/38 provinces (that would include Fermo) as well as the elimination of 1.500/1.900 municiplaties thru regrouping into larger new we'll see what happens next...

When the government passed the new 10 euro fee for medical services about a month ago it went into effect within a week. When the politicians want more cash they can make it happen very quickly.