Only in Italy ...............

09/21/2011 - 09:20 the note about changing the locks!



Love it.............I can sort of understand it though ! Who therefore is going to buy property ? !!! They will all stay at 'home' ? S

In Spain, we have a few similar problems. Grown up kids do not want to live the parents' nest as their lives are great and they see no need to move away from home. It would be understandable in the case of unemployment or personal problems; however, the number of adult children who refuse to leave home simply because of selfish reasons is increasing.... Perhaps over-protective mammas should be blamed as well.

Oh! I forgot to mention the other version of the problem. The ones who finally leave their parent's home but come back regularly (and I mean several times a week) to have lunch or dinner with them, bring a bag of dirty clothes to be washed and ironed and several plastic containers to bring ready meals to their new apartments whenever they do not feel like sharing the table with the parents.... It is happening all the time. Some mothers are threatening to go on strike!!!!