Health insurance for residency in Ostuni, Puglia

Melbyrne Image
05/31/2009 - 17:13

 I know this subject has been covered quite recently but specifically, I am having trouble finding reasonable health insurance for a forthcoming residency application in Ostuni in Puglia. I understand I will need proof of health cover (even though I have an EHIC card) and have been quoted 8-900 euro for a 12 month period. Has anyone bought health insurance for this purpose recently and could recommend an insurer? I was hoping to pay in the region of 300 euro max......Many thanks in advance.



 I am afraid that you will not find health insurance for about 300 euros yearly. The figure of 800-900 sounds more realistic. I do hope that someone may come up with a lower rate. Please let us know.

If you can get it for 800-900 euro I would go for it. Last year mine cost me over 1000 euro, admittedly that is for ccover on every aspect, but Insurance around 300, does not exist. I can't even get my Dogs insured for that. Go to a local broker to get a quote is the best advice as they will trawl around for a quote for you. Good Luck.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Many thanks for the responses, looks like I'll have to go with the 800-900 euro kind. I can get cover through Bupa for around £200 a quarter and can cancel it after one quarter but I don't know if it will be accepted by the commune and will presumably need to be translated. It just seems a lot for something that I don't really need!Thanks again 

In reply to by Melbyrne

Lets hope you don't need it; but if you are taken ill or have to undergo treatment or tests, you may have to pay for it out of your own pocket, which could be several thousand euro. That's the price of residency I'm afraid......

Hi RamIs it this one:Scacciapensieri costa solo 124 euro all'anno (circa 11 euro al mese) per la protezione completa, che diventano 206 euro all'anno (circa 19 euro al mese) se svolgi una professione più esposta al rischio di infortuni. Nel caso fossi interessato invece solo alla copertura extraprofessionale, il prezzo si riduce a soli 88 euro all'anno (circa 8 euro al mese).Thanks 

Just saw your posting and was hoping to get additional information for the Raz policy mentioned if at all available...we are in the midst of preparing my mother's documents for her ER Visa and the only hurdle left is the Health Insurance requirement.

I have read each discussing on health insurance & applying for residency.  I was hoping you maybe able to clear up my confusion.  I am applying for a long term stay visa, which  I need when I apply for residency, I was informed by the Italian Embassy in NYC that I will need to have with me a copy of proof of my health insurance.  They also explained that I must be fully insured so I will not be a burden to the healthcare system while in Italy.  MY question is, will my personal insurance be adequate or do I need to purchase Italian insurance to apply?  If my personal insurance will work do I have to have it translated into Italian?  For my final question, do you know of someone who can assist us in the process.  The area that we are going to take residency in is Arezzo.  If so my email address is  Looking forward to your responses.

 It is Scaccia pensieri but whether its available on line I dont know.  I used my IFA to get it for my clients, and their application for resdiency was accepted the same day, after being turned away with BUPA the day before!   they asked for a copy of the passport, their job and basic details.  Thats all - it took less than 12 hours from phone call to certificate of insurance! 

I think you may find that this insurance is Accident Cover only i.e. if you have an accident they will give you some money etc.I'm pretty sure it's NOT Health Cover for Hospital treatment and Doctors fees........Please check as my Italian 'aint all that good on Technical things.

 The insurance cover is enough to gain you residency.  Obviously it is not all inclusive, but once you have residency you have a right to a doctor and to use the Italian health service.  

In reply to by Ram

Ram I think not; at least not according to our local ASL. Residency only means you can stay here the Health Service is free (assisted) if you have a job here or are retired (over 65) only. You have to have Citezenship for that. You can have a Doctor but Hospital treatment and most tests and medicines have to be paid for, I think you'll find. If that's not so where you live let me know and I'll move..............

 I agree with Gromit as nowadays it is basically the same rule all over the EU, namely:If you are over 65 and a pensioner from any EU country, your rights can be transferred to your new EU country of residence (ie Italy), providing there is a Health agreement between the two countries (origin and new residency) and your country of origin gives you the right paperwork.Under the age of 65 and coming from another EU country, your health entitlements depend on whether you have a job or a business and make contributions to the local Social Security. Then, in the case of Italy, you will be given the same entitlements as any other citizen or resident, because you are contributing to the system.If you are an early retiree or you are not working, you should provide proof of your health cover through private health insurance, and this will be a requisite in order to obtain residency.The same rules would apply not only in Italy, but also in France and Spain (as far as I know) and I guess that it would be a similar situation throughout the EU countries. 

I agree with the above comments.  Our commune required a complete insurance package (about 1000 euro each) .  we tried with a more restricted policy and this was turned down (for our own protection in the eyes of our anagrafe) so no complaints. 

This is an extract from the Italian Ministry of Health circular dated 3 rd August 2007 (Office II Ref No DG RUERI/II/12712/1.3.b."As regards health insurance for EU nationals covered by a private health insurance, such insurance should meet the following requirements:- be effective across Italy;- provide a comprehensive cover of health risks (art 7, para 1) items b) and c) of Directive no 2004/38);- have a yearly term of validity, with a clear indication of the starting and expiry dates;- indicate the procedures to follow to claim reimbursement (e.g address; contact person; telephone and fax numbers; and any e-mail address);Also, when applying for registration with the Registry Office or for health services the person concerned must provide a translation into Italian of the insurance policy.  Clearly, he/she will also be required to produce a new insurance policy in the event of changes in his/her family.A private insurance policy gives no entitlement to registration with the NHS." One needs to remember that health care will not be free in Italy unless you are working or has filled one of the following EC Forms:- E106, E109 (or E37), E120, E121 (or E33)(there may be other exceptions): so if you have taken early retirement or isself-sufficient comprehensive health cover is imperative.  If you have left the UK you will not be able to get free medical treatment in the UK unless you move back to the UK.  I am told that if you are more than 2 months away from the UK you will need to de-register from you GP!  I do not think many people do!

I think that your first step would be to check with your American Health Insurance to see whether you are covered under the circumstances. I would say that you may have some limited cover for ordinary travel; however, if you are requesting a temporary residency it is quite possible that you would not be covered. Then, ask your American Health Insurance whether they have some type of additional cover that could be added to your policy.... If all this fails, then, you have to get a separate insurance. Look at Serge's post on the 5th of June 2009 which tells you what the Italian authorities require. Yes, he refers to EU nationals under the age of 65 (retirement age in Italy); however, the requirements would be the same for any other nationality who would not be covered by a Health Agreement between Italy and the country of origin. From the information you got from the Italian Embassy, I do not think that US citizens would benefit from any special agreement because of the characteristics of the US Health System. So you are looking at getting a Health insurance policy which could cover you for say a year and that you could renew if needed. By the way, it is not a good idea to give your personal email in a post. Community Members may contact you by sending a private message and then, you decide whether you want to give that person your private email address.