Happy New Year to everyone

12/31/2011 - 12:01

Wishing all Community members a very happy New Year. Let's hope that 2012 is going to be better than the pundits lead us to believe. Whatever happens la bella Italia will come through it. I'm an optimist - and raise my half full glass.... of Prosecco or Montepulciano d'Abruzzo or Nero d'Avola or even our local Est! Est! Est! to you all.


My word, another year.................I woke up, realised that I was above ground and said, wow, I've made it into another year !! Happy New Year to one and all !! S

Happy New Year to all. Fill up that glass getsett - only half full - may as well have a full glass of good wine (or anything else for that matter) although after last night's celebrations the thought of a glass of wine at the moment isn't as attractive as usual!!  I too am an optimist and think things will pan out....  On a gloomy, very wet afternoon in Wales the thought of bella Italia is enough to cheer the soul.  Roll on the spring when Easy Jet swings into action from Bristol and I'll be there.  (Early)Retirement planned for 2012 so I'm hopeful that it will be a good year - can't wait!  My new years resolution however is not to count days but to make days count! Jan