English Sense of Humour

Brianm Image
02/02/2012 - 12:22


Don't think it should be titled English sense of humour. as I don't find it funny in the least. Maybe change it to Brian's sense of Humour.....

In reply to by Flip

Well, lets call English satire Humour, you people obviously live in your closeted little lives on your cosy pensions and only venturing out to the Supermarket........big hard world out there!!!!!

Brianm............ Not nice, people DIED ( as in they are DEAD ! ), on that ship, very disappointing that the subject header associates this with anything English ! S

And what about those on here who knew/know people affected by the tragedy - from someone who is 20 years away from retirement age, and lives/works in  that "hard" world!   I think it's a very unbritish/inhumane way to look at such a tragic loss of life

Brian you have just removed any doubt in our minds that you are a complete Prick... P.S. I am not retired, and have a very active work/Life existence, thankfully avoiding tossers like you..!

I wonder if there were sick morons making similar jokes at the time when the Titanic sank? My main point here is that this is not mainstream English sense of humour and shouldn’t be labelled as such. I am an Italian living in England and know for a fact that a majority of English people would not find this amusing, only very uneducated and mentally disturbed English people make light of and publish such material.

Appalling "sense of humour" and appalling replies to criticism. You should have apologized, instead. To make a mistake is human; however, to persevere is sad. I waited to see the reaction of British people who have confirmed my feeling that it was all very wrong and not a topic to laugh about. And do not blame nationalities, people act rightly or wrongly in all countries. It is human nature.

No mods hereabouts Fillidie - Brianm probably couldn't take the heat and decided to leave the kitchen.  Now it's just bored forumites fighting over another dead thread.  wink

In reply to by Esme

The latter Esme, which is why I tried to shake it-up. This Forum has just become a expates version of the WRVS...Jam & jerusalam with everyone having a chip in on every subject posted as a thread. With such comments as "I don't know anything about this subject but you could try 'Googling' it!!!!!! very helpful.

I'm not sure posting black humour insulting the Italian people is the best thing to 'shake up' an Italian Community web forum. Best kept in Essex.

"The latter Esme, which is why I tried to shake it-up. This Forum has just become a expates version of the WRVS...Jam & jerusalam with everyone having a chip in on every subject posted as a thread. With such comments as "I don't know anything about this subject but you could try 'Googling' it!!!!!! very helpful." Although I agree with you that this forum is a "Jam & Jerusalam" (sic) den of inactivity and apathy, I believe your choice of subject matter was not one that will endear you to others here - especially if you just used it to "shake things up".  However, the forum has been known to explode for far less than the very sad joke you posted on this topic - so you may get a fight out of it yet.  Lets hope you can handle it if/when the vipers decide to leave their pits.

This is very strange and perhaps someone can help me with an explaination?....I did not write the above statement on this thread. Had decided to keep off this forum for a while. Is it really possible to hack into someones account....would anyone really bother?. Only know about it as a friend alerted me to it this morning. There is an absence of any controls on this forum......and moderators are a distant memory.But would be obliged if anyone can come up with an explanation for why it may have happened.

Was it posted after your (self imposed) "watershed" when you may have sleepwalked? If not - and you are absolutely positive you did not post, are you also sure that Robert did not post?  However, it's quite easy to "hack" an account - especially on a forum - all you need is the account holders password - and most people use fairly "easy to crack" passwords - which, in your case Angie, I would hazard a guess that it's likely to be something along the lines of the name of one of your pets or similar. (And if it is "Misha", then, before you even start, the answer is no, I didn't hack your account - so don't even go there.) Change your password.

Lordy!  Misha can type? I've heard of animals that can talk - but one that can read and write must be a first.  Angie, get the video camera out and upload to youTube - it'll go viral in seconds!