We've added a couple of changes to the site today

06/04/2009 - 14:10

We've added a couple of changes to the site today that will hopefully make it simpler to follow new posts and post content under the appropriate topic:

1. Click on Topics for a view of latest posts according to topic. Under each topic there is also a button for adding a post directly within that topic. (we will create a similar page for locations briefly)

2. If you visit the New Activity page you will see a new link that allows you to mark posts as read. Quite a few asked for this and rightly so as it does make a tidier view of the forums. 

3. You can still get a view of posts created today in the forums by clicking on "New Today".

4. Whenever you click on a Topic from the right-hand-side menu you will get a list of the latest posts within that topic and also a link that allows you to create a new post within that topic.

5. For the more adventurous we've left the "Create Content" button at the top, which allows you to create different types of content - however, we will be making it simpler to add other types of content (photo galleries, etc) soon.

One more thing in the works is the famous quote functionality - that will be coming next week.

A presto - Ronald

ps: a note on topics - we are trying to organize topics along the larger themes of travel, property, society, living, language, food and wine, weddings - under these headings we can have other sub-topics so please suggest anything you would like.


As ever thanks for your patience and hanging on while we adjust things here. 



 Much easier this way. I think that everyone will agree.One small suggestion: Could we have a sub-topic called "Furniture and appliances". There is Furniture now; however, there has also been a few recent questions about appliances as well and it may make it easier to locate them.

And can we have separare regions please?And how about the Grazie button ?!And can I get rid of that flaming schoolboy picture....???!!!

In reply to by PennyAW

 "And can I get rid of that flaming schoolboy picture....???!!!" Go to 'my account' - hit 'edit' scroll down to 'upload picture' and 'browse' to find the piccie you want When you've found the picture, don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit 'Save' .

In reply to by PennyAW

It's nice to be able to let someone know with a quick "grazie" that you appreciate their post.But is it just me who hovers for ages wondering whether to or not?  It's a bit like Yes/No/Don't know questions - it's always more complicated than that.The obvious answer is that I should never grazie anyone if I feel like that - but then I worry that just makes me look permanently ungrateful!My neurosis means I'm happy without the grazie button and writing a few words of appreciation when I feel moved to do so. I agree about the regions though PennyAW

It used to be really helpful to be able to hover over a post title and see the first line of the actual post.And if we're having a "quotes" system - will that get rid of the current "reply" system which means posts aren't in chronological order and v hard to follow as a thread?

1) When posting a new topic, could there be a preview button.2) Could we have fuller text formatting options when posting.Cheers for now, regards, sempre_italia