Certificate of Habitability / certificato di abitabilità

Freddy Image
05/29/2012 - 11:10

Hello. Newbie here on the site. I have my house in Umbria on the market and I'm told I need a certificate of habitability (certificato di abitabilità). I can't find the certificate and can't be sure if I ever had one when I bought the property - I might have simply mislaid it though. I'm wondering who I should approach to ask if the certificate exists. I have emailed the technical department at the commune but they seem unwilling to respond. Can anyone suggest another office/department that I should try?Many thanks!



The chances are that your geometra 'forgot' to do this for you so the 'mare begins. I'm just doing mine too... and in Umbria. Step one is to go to the geometra and ask of course.  If the answer is no you'll need a whole raft of things like geological report re position of fosso biologica, about 6 pages of stuff on the plumbing and heating... On the latter front I managed to reduce the cost considerably by re-drawing the house on Sketchup and producing drawings of the pipes etc... the normal price for the plumby stuff should be about €600... even so the electrician and the plumber will need to come round to remind themselves what they did before they sign off.  Best of luck.

You can sell without one , but for a lower price of course, at my rogito I noticed it was clearly stated that no certificate existed and that it was up to me to get one if I wanted one, not done it yet and maybe never will.

whether you can sell wihtout one depends on the age of the property you are selling.  If it is without, then it is up to the buyers to pay for one - (all in cost about 1500 euros) - and they will need it as and when they sell.  If you have done work on the property then your geometra/architect should have sorted it as a matter of course.  

If its a new build its a legal requirement, and in some places you cant live in the house without it - as it isnt deemed habitable - as the name of the certificate suggests.  In most parts, its still an ongoing process and will take a few years to work through.  Certainly in earthquake zones they are a must.

Thank you all for your comments - very much appreciated.   I'll contact the geometra to see if he can help and take it from there.