Love Venice / Burano ? Let me share my travel photography with you from our honeymoon

Cucciolo Image
06/29/2012 - 03:25

Check out our honeymoon photos from Venice & Burano on the below link, let me know if I capture the essence of those cities. Be prepare for vivid & bright colors! ; )Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement for the previous post on my honeymoon photos!Enjoy! Please let me know what you think, make sure you leave a reply on the link



I'm sorry, but this apparent advertising of a photographers wares is not for me............. If it was JUST photos/snaps produced by your typical traveller, I'd be more appreciative, S

In reply to by sprostoni

This is not an advertisement. I literally just came back from Italy a couple of months ago with my wife from our honeymoon. We spent a year after we got married to decide on which country to visit. So finally we decided that Italy is our honeymoon destination. Indeed it's our first time travelling to Europe, so I hope that classifies as "typical traveller." Sorry if that came across as "advertisement." I hope I didn't offend anybody else here. My photos are not stock photos... it's purely a blog and my experience of our Italy journey.  

I really like the photos. I've been to Venice and Burano many times and I love both. It's not clear, though, from the text accompanying your pictures whether you actually liked Venice. You meant to go for two days, but could only stand one? That's not a very good advert. I'd say that one day really isn't enough. You can visit at quieter times of the year if you really don't like the crowds and even in the summer you can experience a more peaceful Venice if you wait until the evening after the crowds have gone. People are right about going off the beaten track, but you don't need to go to another island to get away from the crowds. Travelling between islands, especially in one day, can be exhausting. There are lovely squares where you can eat and drink inexpensively within walking distance of St. Mark's Square and/or the Rialto. 

sprostoni, Esme, Brianm: Isn't the point of this 'Community' that we can share information about Italy and all things Italian? Whether or not you like the photos, books, films, songs, B&Bs, hotels, campsites, ferries or whatever else members talk about, don't they have a right to mention them? YOU might not want to hear about them, but OTHERS might. How else are they supposed to find out? Not everything is out there in the public arena and even where they are, it is hard to know whether you will like them. Hearing someone else's perspective on a site like this might help some people to decide. On the 'Love Venice' theme: My novel In Vacanza includes a chapter where a group of English holidaymakers spend a wonderful day in Venice and another where the main character goes back to the island by herself. She also goes to Burano, Murano and Torcello and on another day to Sirmione on Lake Garda. It is available as an e-book at:  (yes, I have posted the link!) There is also a wonderful old film called Summer Madness, also released on DVD as Summertime. Starring Katharine Hepburn and Rossano Brazzi, it conjures up amazing images of Venice. No, I have no vested interest in this - it was made long before I was born - I just love it and think that others might love it too.

alison.g............. I understand what you are saying, but I did not say others should not look at the post, what I said was that I don't like to see advertising such as this, especially when there is a group already called 'Items for sale or free'. I think also with the advertiser in question, they imply that they are just in love with Venice et al, when really I THINK (I am thinking, I'm not suggesting others are thinking!) that the real point is that they offering goods for sale. S  

It's disappointing to hear what you have to say. As we planned our trip, we activitly visited this site as part of our research for our trip, so it's only fitting and appropraite to give back and share our experience here. But we never thought sharing our experience and our journey will be conisdered as "offering goods for sale."  

Cucciolo, Well done, a great 'clear the air' comment............the content of your link is super, my comments were not meant to directly criticise, I felt just the photos alone would suffice...... Best of luck and enjoy your travels, S

Perhaps you didn't understand my earlier post?  I didn't say I didn't like your photos - or that I had anything against you posting them here. What I said (or at least what I think I said) was - You're wasting your time if you want ingratiate yourself with (some?) people here... If I were you - I wouldn't worry about it and just keep posting.

I didn't even know there was an Items For Sale section, so thanks for pointing that out. Now that I've found it, though, it seems that nobody ever looks at it - the last post was in February - and it seems to be just about actual 'items', not creative works like photographs people might be interested in. Everyone looks at this page, so this would seem to be the best place to mention anything you want people to read.