
08/29/2012 - 14:19

Hello, we moved to northern Umbria a couple of months ago; me, hubby and the cat! I found this forum to be invaluable for advice before I left, since then things have been pretty hectic (and the weather very hot!) so I thought it was about time to say ciao a tutti.



In reply to by FromNowOn

Thank you - Sammy the cat is originally from Cyprus, but even so he seems to have been desperately searching out the coolest places!  He's also brought two live lizards into the house, hmmm...

Lizards are not so bad - wait until Sammy brings in live mice, which escape and hide under the fridge, mortally wounded, and the smell gets terrific! What do you mean by northern Umbria - Citta di Castello ish? Umbria is quite big, and for me southern Umbria means Terni or below!

Glad you have found some topics of interest .....and you are obviously enjoying the Italian does get cooler soon, this year has been VERY hot ! S

Thanks for all your responses, very kind of you all.  I'm near Umbertide. Trapping the lizard that dashed under the bookcase was comical, me lying in wait with an empty ice cream carton, and hubby fishing it out with a feather duster!  No rats or mice yet, hopefully it will stay that way.

Jackie    I see Monte Acuto in your picture and we share a similar view from the road up to Preggio so no doubt our paths will cross. We nearly always go to Umbertide market on Wednesday mornings which seems to be the local gathering point.   Welcome to the patch.

Hi, you're right, that is Monte Acuto, we see the quarried side.  Maybe we will meet you at some point on market day, we usually check out Books for Dogs!