Car rental out of Rome

motherofdmc Image
06/09/2009 - 00:39

Hello to all.  Here  is my dilemma.  We will have a short stay in Rome, with the goal of traveling to a NE town  to see my mother-in-law's birthplace.  I have read that driving a car in Rome is crazy, and we certainly don't need that.    However, I truly want my husband to get this opportunity.   If we rent a car at Termini Stazione, how difficult is it to navigate the roads to get to A24 & then make the return trip?  OR,is there a better location to rent from that would be easier for us to navigate to get us to the main highways.   I have no one to ask to help me navigate Rome to make this dream possible for my husband. We are arriving to the city by train from Venice.  I would like to leave the city early in the morning, around 0730 to 0800.  The airports, to me. seem to be out of the way for a car rental.Thank you all so VERY much! 



"I would like to leave the city early in the morning, around 0730 to 0800." Right in the rush hour then!  Possibly not a good idea for the first time 'Rome Driver'

In reply to by alan h

I would suggest that if you get a car in the centre in the morning you will still be trying to find your way out of the centre at night! How about getting the bus to the airport and going from there.  The main highways are clearly signposted and although it sounds a roundabout route it will probably be quicker and certainly less stressful.

Agree with flyingpigs above - simplest thing is to catch the train out of Rome to Fiumicino and from there get the car. Having said that look into train travel as well - depending on exactly what town it is (how small, how well connected, etc) you might find that a train from Rome will get you there. " rel="nofollow"> Good luck (or as the Italians say in bocca al lupo!)

We were in Rome in May for a few days and had arranged to pick up a hire car from Avis at Termini and drive south to Campania.  After our few days in Rome we were a tad apprehensive about the drive out of Rome but... that was the plan.Left our hotel and taxid over to Termini, of course there all there is are the desks for car hire.  We were then taken to a garage just off Via Cavour and given our car and off we went..   Just hold your nerve, and it is just driving a car...   there is an Italian thing of man or mouse, we may have been a bit mouselike at a few junctions but it is not rocket science.Coming back was a bit more complicated as OH had packed the map, but at the end of the day no-one actually wants to kill you so my advice is to go for it... maybe go out to the airport if you wish, but it is not that awful. We feel quite proud we did it.. not sure we would offer to do day to day driving around Rome mind you...  hey we did the Amalfi coast SEVERAL times (lost the wing mirrors in Salerno mind you) - go for it! Have a great trip and look for those family places if you have the opportunity, sounds as if you should have a great trip.

Thanks you all!!!I 'm feeling very comfortable with "Postmac's" suggestion of leaving out of Ciampino.  My husband will be driving, and he hates city driving... this will quickly get us on A90 & out!!I've been driving myself crazy trying to find an easy way out.. we are heading out to Barisciano.  I originally considered taking a bus to L'Aquila, and then renting a car, but was concerned about the condition of the town & finding our way from bus station to the car rental   Just found out the G8 Summit is being held there, so  things are quickly moving along, but wanted to be able to give myself better leeway with time.  Hertz Europe will allow you to rent for 3, 6 or 9 hours instead of all day, and this is perfect for us.I've been searching for solutions for weeks.. Thank you all again.  I will let you know how the excursion went!