Can anyone recommend a Geometra/Surveyor?

06/08/2009 - 17:10

Please can anyone suggest the name and contact details of an English speaking geometra/surveyor to do an English style property report in the Lunigiana area?   In particular I'd like to find someone who can advise on water leakage through a terrace, and damage due to flooding to a basement.  That's not much to ask is it???



It is not an easy task to find one. Most Italian surveyors do not speak English and to do a full report you need a good command of the language. Perhaps, some of the Lunigiana members may point you in the right direction. Good luck! 

Yes, I see your point, although now we have decided to go ahead with the purchase anyway, without a report.  I hope we don't live to regret it! Our avvocato would be able to do a translation of an Italian report, but the problems are so obscure I think we would need to be present/or on the phone, to explain the situation to a surveyor, and say what we were specifically concerned about.  A full general report is not what we need.  I do hope someone can make a helpful suggestion.

 Perhaps someone in your area may be able to recommend a local "geometra" who could do a report in Italian and your lawyer would be able to summarise the contents in English. On the other hand, could your lawyer make those arrangements on your behalf? Give him the instructions in writing and he should be able to work it out.... I think. Are you buying through a real estate agent who could make arrangements on your behalf? When we purchased our property there were a few problems with the roof and we were able to sort out everything through the real estate agent and the geometra.

Do remember that Geometra's are not the equivalent of a surveyor in the UK so don't expect a report similar to the one you would get in the UK. The ones I have seen have been little more than a sheet of A4. If you are worried that the damp/water affects the stability of the property then personally, I would want an structural engineer's report. They are not cheap but at least you will have some comfort that you have a professional engineer's opinion.

In reply to by Penny

Many thanks for your comments.  For the moment we are still pursuing our enquires through the condominium administrator, If we are still unhappy, then maybe this will be our next step.