A gardening question

09/20/2012 - 05:04

Hi, I've been coming across some strange looking curled-up larvae here in the earth! They're about an inch long, chunky and milky opaque/grey. I'm fascinated by the wealth of wildlife here, but does anyone know what they are, and whether they are a threat to my veg patch?


Probably a beetle larvae of some sort, I had a few here when digging over my lettuce patch. If in doubt, try and Google images of  beetle larvae and find a match, that normally works for me

Hi, thanks for your replies, I never thought of googling though a load of images of larvae made my flesh creep... I found out that they are called white grubs, they are the laravae of European chafers and can wreck a lawn.

Disgusting little monsters! It looks as if they also like ornamental plants and vegetables... quite voracious! Are there very many in your garden? What do you intend to do? Birds seem to love them.A few nests with hungry birdies may be the solution...