The Italian song of the week

05/21/2009 - 10:32

I believe that people who fell in love with Italy, fell in love also with its culture. Italian songs are part of me - as an Italian - and part of Italian culture. So I decided to select the best italian songs for you, here.Week after week I'll select some songs for you, to let you explore more italian music than the well known "oh Sole mio" or "Miserere" or "Tosca" . I'll post either videos with a cultural background  - such as Sanremo - or with the lyrics, so that you can watch, listen and even sing! So, happy italian song to you all! 



 Singing songs is an excellent tool to learn a language. It helps to build up both vocabulary and expressions in an easy and relaxed manner. Toto Cutugno is a great singer and composer born in Fosdinovo (Tuscany) to a Sicilian father and a Tuscan mother. He has many great songs, but "L'Italiano" is a particularly famous one and easy to learn. Enjoy! 

I just love Lucio Battisti Some of my favouritesComunque BellaI Giardini Di MarzoDonna Selvaggia DonnaE penso a Teera bello,vero? there are some great  videos of him on You Tube

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi,you are absonglutely  right! I just was wondering what to post for the next song of the week! Your suggestion is greatly appreciated, grazie!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi, Yes I also love the music of Lucio Battisti, this is a statue of him in Poggio Bustone his birth place. Doesn't really do him justice does it?


In reply to by attilio7

Assolutamente no!!! It does not.Have you seen all the vids and pics of him on You Tube? He was bellissimo  and his music  has stood the test of time I think. When I listen to his music I can imagine I am back in Italy instead of in my back garden in Dublin.How sad amI?(this post is re the statue in case of confusion) 

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi, Patrizia,Yes I am working my way thru the many video clips on the internet. It’s a pity that we can’t at present buy full DVDs of his performances, with better picture and sound quality.I will be moving to Italy in about two year’s time. So intend visiting Poggio Bustone. Which from the pic’s I have seen on the web,  is a stunning hilltop village. And of course get a photo of me next to that awful statue of him   

In reply to by attilio7

Ciao Attilio 7,Did you know there is a cover band ? IL gruppo 'Innocenti Evasioni' they have played in a lot of venues in Italy There is a vid on You Tube they are ok(not a patch on Lucio of course) Do you have the triple cd Le Av venture? some of his great songs are on itYou lucky lucky thing ,planning to move to Italy Have you decided where you are going to live?I ENVY you

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Ciao patrizia,No I did not know about the tribute band. I will put it down on my list of things that I must see or do before I die. Yes I have the triple CD, I call it the horse CD In fact I have just about  everything he has recorded. The one that I don't have, is Images which  he recorded in English   The place where I am going to live in Italy is preordained by family connections. It is a small village called Filignano, situated between Rome and Naples, in the mountains. it is the original place of the family  of Mario Lanza before they moved to America. We have a Mario Lanza festival every August. To be honest not my type of thing. I wonder if they have a Lucio Battisti festival in Poggio Bustone or Rome

In reply to by attilio7

Type into search bar:You Tube Lucio Battisti singing in English and you get quite a few songs.I think that he sounds better singing in Italian.It is more difficult to get accurate translations Italian into English .Nobody else seems interested in this post.Do you think it is worth trying to find other like minded souls to find translations /share info .OR .....could it be we are the only people out there interested in Lucio surely not!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hey patrizia!Don't forget Fox and Valentina, so there are four of us But seriously there are many forums on the web dedicated to Lucio, mostly in Italian. so it is a great way to practice your Italian.

In reply to by attilio7

una delle cose che mi piace fare di più è practica di italiano,purtroppo il mio italiano  è non molto buono

As a young and idealistic 18-year-old spending a year in Florence, I used to listen to Lucio all the time! He didn't seem to translate into 'cool' when I returned to the UK, however... Now I remember why I liked him so much. Great for learning Italian, too!