Salads and stuff for BBQ

06/09/2009 - 04:50

Hope this works and only in the pub, just thought it might be a useful place to list things for BBQ.saladsA&R bean, tomato , plus bowl of egg mayoMoxie rudely dressed saladJean potato saladS&M Green salad and coleslaw


Plastic tubs for change / collecting money (can we all save some)Change floatBoxes for rubish (S & M to get)Black bags (S & M)Ticket Books (Mox to try out)Plates, cups, cutlry etc (A & R to get)Poster for prices for 'extra items'Gazebo (A & J)Wine / Beer (S & M to get prices)Food (A & J prices &  S & M to compare)Games (A & J)Guess Number of Sweets in Jar & Sheet to write down guesses (Mox)Loo RollKitchen RollPaper NapkinsFire Guard!!!Fire Exinguiser!!! (S & M have a small one)First Aid Box (S & M have a small one too)   

Hi AllJean said (I think) that their cantina did awesome wine cheaply... I may have had prosecco brain fizz at the time though!Will collect tubs - has anyone got a little strong box thingy for the main gate? I am sooooo not sitting with a plastic tub infront of me, I have my reputation to consider.I like the guess the amount of sweeties in jar idea (Sarah's) so I will do it (as in provide it) but am having nothing to do with the cake weight malarky so I'll leave that in someone elses hands.I think that the left over t shirts (if any) would make smashing prizes.These food tickets.. do ya want posh or just simple ie MEAT TICKET PIZZA TICKET etc... graphics or no graphics? Mox

In reply to by Moxie

Hope you do't all mind, but I've created a group on Facbook called 'English for L'Aquila' and within the group created an event publicising the BBQ, and the T shirts!Ooops, maybe gone too far this time....

In reply to by Andrew

Airbrush out the constipated chipmunk ...T shirts were an absolute Godsend Andrew Rugbyshorts - well done! Does everybody know how you got on???Mox the CC

Seems like a lot of people are doing salads already. Can add some to the list or if people think it's a good idea, I can make a variety of sweet pastry such as small fruit pastry bits. We got lots of strawberrries at the moment and people might enjoy it with a glass of wine.

Love the idea of small fruit tarts, in fact could just eat one now!, please go ahead instead of salad.Hope this OK with everyone else I am just the co ordinater not the decision maker, thats a joint effort, but I guess some sort of dolce would be very welcome, especially strawberries,A

Just thought about the tickets and if this is ok with everyone: How about 1 x meat voucher ( 2 items from: pork chop or sausage or veggie option or burger)                     1 x jacket potato                     1 x pizza slice                     1 x salad selection                     1 x drink (glass of wine red or white/ mineral water/ orange juice/ beer) Tickets need to clearly state what and how much of the item is included!!!Need to do a price list of 'extra's' like glass of wine, beer (if doing it Lidl beer???), soft drink, extra burger etc

Thats OK by me Sarah, we were just sitting eating lunch and talking about greedy people (!) piling their plates up with food, but am I right in thinking that meat will be served, and that Mark will smack anyone who is a piggy with his spatula?Re price list, wine and beer 1euro a glass to keep it simple?, soft drinks 50c?.A

Mark and bread spring to mind! Yes exactly - David / Mark can do portion control - 2 items in the meat ticket from the list, 1/4 pizza, JP, salads & a drink. Thats what we thought about the prices too. Beer 53c ish in Lidl.Water, oj (€1.19 in Lidl for big carton), coke, fanta? Should be fine!

If every thing is €1 or 50c then we dont need too much small change do we. Keep it simple. Also we shall all need to keep receipts of any extra's we buy as in plates (A) etc. A & J and us off on thurs for a price comparison trip and hope to find out about the wine too.

Also as Andrew has pointed out, we need to keep guests away from the hot BBQ especially children, ooooh can I be the children police? just joking, but we do need to be aware of the health and safety issues for our guests and everyone just keep an eye on whats going on.A

Just had an interesting hour or so in Comunanza!1. BBQ base tray now gone down from €300 to €70 - still think it is very expensive, but if that is what we have to pay then we will2. BBQ withmetal  legs now €150 - Jana - help please -can you see if you can get it any lower!!!3. Met a very nice young man and he is an Illusionist - juggling/ games/ balloon modeling/ fire eating etc etc but unfortunately he is working in Civitanova on the 21st at a kids party but he will call in if he gets finished early and bring along a water game with tubes and things - sounds fun! Was very interested in what we are doing and willing to help in the future!4. Local butchers - 80c per homemade hamburger! 40c per homemade sausage 80c per pork chop (not looking too good)5. Got some pink raffle - type tickets Jana, so if we can meet up and  hand some over to you6. Cheapest wine €5 for Trebbiano7. Plastic cups (clear) €1.50 for 50 in Smoll?Probably missed stuff out as lots going on!   

My head hurts!If some Italian friends come down, do they have to buy a full book of tickets or could they just buy say a burger for say €2.50 as I feel €10 would be a bit much for them and would feel mean if they went hungry. Maybe we could set prices for the other bits or is that just too complicated.Also have been asked to put a poster up in the local newsagent/ stationers shop as the locals were very interested - I know we said no before but the lady that runs the shop did ask and we feel it is rude not to invite them?????? Help!

I think it is fair to say that if they are coming to the BBQ its 10euros irrespective of if they only eat a burger! it is for an excellent charity, so harden your heart Sarah. And yes it would be too complicated to set different prices and unfair on those who have paid the full whack for a ticket. parking is going to be difficult and I would prefer that those who have paid 10e get priority. Would love to see Italians there but think about it, Nobody else has a problem with the entrance fee. Anyone else have an opinion?And thanks for all the research!A

In reply to by Badger

That is very kind and would be very useful back-up if we can't get a lower price for basically a tin tray! Does anyone else know a welder?Thanks so much for your Thai parcel too - have resisted so far and locked them away to avoid temptation! Have emailed M  about Dogs!

I think the thing with advertising via public posters was something Andrew pointed out, I think at the meal Sarah so you probably didnt hear.Correct me if I am wrong Andrew, but we are not registered as a charity, and the issue of collecting money might come to the attention of officialdom, with all that entails, as it is we seem to be getting in the numbers via the community and friends, could you not just explain what we are doing and why and then just invite them?A 

That's what I thought A, but when we said we had no posters they were upset and we didn't know how in Italian to explain the legal side of it. Maybe I could just write out  some sort of smaller invites and hand them to them???  Don't want to feel we have left them out as they have always been helpful in the past. Pain my printer still not functioning!!!!

Maybe this would work;Everything is free but people are making a cash donation to a worthy cause. They are not actually buying anything.Just got back from Cash & Carry visit at San Benedetto; prices are very good and I think favorable. My mate with the trattoria is willing to help out in any way; and this evening he's arranged for me to meet with a rep. from a rival C&C from Pescara that delivers to him. I reckon if these prices from Pescara are favorable then we can get stuff delivered to Marco's place; he will store it (chillers / freezers etc) until someone decides to collect from him. If by any chance some of you guys are not doing anything this p.m., we'll be playing Touch Rugby at San Savino then we'll be eating at Marco's trattoria. If anyone wants to have a run around, then that's easy to organise also. Start time would be 19;45 ish ish ish.

Since the disaster in Abruzzo individuals have been clear to send a donation to the fund raising. If I give you 10 euros to send togerther with your 10 euros, then it seems reasonable. If a few people get together; give you their dosh for you to send collectively, then I reckon that's the same. If you put some money in my wallet, I'll send it as if it were mine. No-one needs a receipt so give generously!I would respond to anyone that questions the motive and system of collecting monies by asking the 'questioner' if they have donated yet, and if not would they like to also. If they continue to give us grief, I would then postpone their next meeting with us until the Press can be present.

Not sure about the BBQ plan - just counting the bricks in the old bbq which we will take down. Tray still €70. Not sure if it is worth it. Maybe get a smaller one made. Will come back to you on that. Just getting sick of running around to the iron place as we have been 5 times now and still no furher along!!! Our bricks = 80 Are yours normal size red bricks? Could you bring them on Friday? That's it for now

Oh no ours are special bricks! , sort of longer than normal, wont get them all in our car, will bring some and then maybe by then you will have more idea of how many?Sorry you are getting the run around ,can David help you?A