How do I replace a photo?

06/10/2009 - 08:28

I have deleted my current photo and uploaded a new one.  However, on old posts I see the old photo.  Will this remain and the new photo only display on new posts?  Ideally, I just want to use the new photo please.


I have been fiddling about trying to get rid of the old picture and replace it with the new.  What I get is the old picture (of me) in Community Activity, and then when I click on the post link, I get the new picture (of an "eye").  Is this a bug to be ironed out, or am I going about it in the wrong way please?

I think there is a bit of a delay, but I did see another photo of you before the eye came up.  Very nice, where were you?

In reply to by PennyAW

Believe it or not, in Nice.  That's why I want to get rid of the photo.  At the time I joined it was the only picture I had to hand.  The eye picture is representative of "keeping my eye on all things Italian" going on on this site.  I think it is confusing having two pictures of one user running on different parts of the site,  I hope the administrator can sort it out soon.  Otherwise I am thrilled to bits to have so much information so easily accessible, and I have already had a very helpful private reply to my appeal for an English speaking surveyor.