Satellite Broadband

satfinder Image
10/16/2012 - 18:27

Hi All, We are new to the forum, having recently arrived in Montesilvano, Abruzzo and still finding our feet!We are renovation a house here and have had issues with the internet services here so much so that we have started to promote internet by satellite for those in remote areas, not in towns with fibe, etc. This option, when it first came onto the market was expensive but with the new satellites and lower priced equipment it is now more that affordable. Please check out our website,, and if you have any questions etc. will only be to pleased to answer.ThanksSatfinder



I may be missing something but your website invites people to buy a subscription but doesn't even say what you get for it. e.g. "8 home - €50" I guess is an 8Mb connection downstream? What is the upstream connection? I'm guessing it's asymmetric but...Also what is the data allowance? It's obviously restricted but there's no mention of what you get. 

We have been looking for 4 months now for the best way to go with the internet and our only option left is satellite. We have paid for all the other options and none are any good cant skype or open emails. so have looked into the pricing of satellite systems . Why is your system so expensive per month?

We are in Amandola - Marche. First we tried a dongle then upgraded to a 3g wireless router on TIM, but we still only get 2G and an intermittent signal We dont have a landline (too expensive to install and added cost per month only used for internet) so the only option left to us is satellite. We have compared different suppliers and the most cost effective one we have found is Tooway it is still cheaper than the option posted.

I agonised over all this for 2 years before a solution appeared. The techies would come round with sensors to point at masts etc and I never knew that they were ignoring rivals masts which were showing loud and clear. We nearly fell for a repeater mast at €2,000 + our own costs when some local guys came round, found their mast and fitted it all up in 30 mins and then left - €100 for fitting. A local friend was stiffed for over €2,000 by our local sat guys and now uses the same firm as me to get a proper service.  The whole side of the valley opposite me gets a relayed signal from my house ... i.e. don't assume you have to see the mast to get the service.  They extend coverage all the time so keep at it.. and good luck. P.S. the phone for €3 a month works really well.

Reply to Lucy and Gerry Have you tried Getby ( who are based near Fermo? ..... They have a network of wireless ADSL masts in the southern Le Marche area, and I see there is one in the Amandola area. Service and pricing is very good!!!..............

In reply to by Lucy and Gerry

if you haven't already done so, I would suggest finding someone in the area who uses their service to check how well it operates. I have used two Tooway connections in another area, and both were extremely slow and frequently didn't work at all.

  .. is the signal good in and around the house, if so who is it? We found the first dongle we used only had a signal (HSPA) on the window sill of the back bedroom. Next up we got a MIFI unit from 3 in the UK and had it unlocked, this you can at least hang anywhere and connect via wireless. You really do need to know which ISP has the best signal and where is the best access in your house. One other thing we found was to set your dongle/network to only use HSPA, don’t know exactly why, but it certainly made a big, big difference. If however you are looking for constant reliable access for say work, then you may need to ask around... There are many wifi companies setting up hotspots and offering very good access, it’s just a case of finding if any are in your area… TIM dongles are normally unlocked, so if your mobile has a good WIND signal try their monthly deal (that way you lose little as you can simply stop it).

Hi, I am really sorry for the lack of response, I had not been receiving notifications of replies. The package prices have all now changed and our website reflects this. Tooway M    6Mb up, 20 Mb down, 10 GB monthly allowance 29.50 euro per month Tooway L     6Mb up, 20 Mb down, 20 GB monthly  45 euro per month Tooway XL   6Mb up, 20 MB down, 30 GB monthly  58 euro per month Tooway Absolute  6 Mb up, 20 Mb down, unlimited allowance,  87.50 euro per month Actvation Free - usually 30 euro Hardware and installation charges extra.