New - again!

Mandly Image
06/19/2009 - 05:44

I have previously been a member of this site but my dial up connection became so poor I had to abandon all but essential surfing. Still on dial up and have a new computer, but still difficult to keep a stable connection. I have lived here in Italy for almost five years and have no regrets about the move. I was widowed very recently and so my hobbies of crafting (sewing, painting, decoupage etc) have had to take a back seat. So, here I am with two dogs, three cats and vast amounts of land to look after, and in need of some contact with other folk, perhaps in the same situation as me!


Welcome back to the Community. I am very sorry to hear about your loss and I do hope that all your activity will help you to get over these hard times. There are a few members in the Liguria area and you may be able to forge some friendships.Also, the groups, as Valentina says, is a great way to communicate with people who share interests. Just join a few of them according to the topics you like. There is one for Liguria.Best wishes, 

Hi Mandy, welcome back, yuk dial up I cant believe how much we used to think it was the best thing since sliced bread lol. Well at least your here now. Sorry to hear about your husband. Do you grow anything on your land or is it just for the beautiful country side?

Welcome back, very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope this site helps you find lots of friends and contacts. We are in Lunigiana but not there permanently.

 So sorry to hear of your loss.  I have recently rejoined myself and am just finding my feet on this site again.  We live in northern Tuscany but are often in Bordigha as the family house is there. Hope we can stay in touch and talk when you're not looking after your various animals and land!  We have one demanding kittycat which is bad enough :) take care, sconesand tea