BBQ for L'Aquila 28th June - Urgent update

06/27/2009 - 08:19

URGENT UPDATESadly the weather reigns supreme, and we have no choice but to postpone the BBQ planned for tomorrow until next Sunday 5th July(yet again!).We are governed by many factors including food preparation (defrosting etc); site access; no village hall; but we're sure that people will understand, and hopefully support our efforts to help raise funds for the less fortunate people of Abruzzo.When we are closed up tight in our houses let's just try to remember those who are still surviving in the tent villages, and try to imagine what it must be like to suffer storms and cloudbursts.They need our help, and we can be one of two sorts of people. Those who watch things happen, or those who make things happen. Personally I prefer to be the second sort, and if you're of a like mind, then you'll be at the Barbeque next Sunday.Thanks to everyone for their patience.



In reply to by sprostoni

We're a good team, and everyone is contributing to the final result. There's no stars, just good honest team players. It's a pleasure to be part of the group.

Hey guys,I sooooo hope it's going to be profitable for you next week, perhaps the imminent G8 from the 8 - 10  will focus people's thoughts back on the reason you and others are doing this fundraising. At least L'Aquila and it's ongoing plight will be back in the forefront of not only the World media, but back in everyones lives again, at least for a few more precious days, before being relegated into the back of people's minds once again.The "back of people's minds" - the single most dangerous place there is for ALL charity fund raisers!I checked on the long distance forecaster (I'm sure you're doing the same) and though it can, and does, change at the drop of a hat - it looks as if you better 'do it' before 2pm...... Has anyone offered the 'Big 8' any tickets - bet Obama would buy one. Not too sure about Brown though...  

Thanks for the good wishes Carole, the forecast we study with baited breath is for Comunanza, Marche, so lets hope it is going to be 3rd time lucky!.We have already done amazingly well with the sale of raffle tickets well over 1000 euros so the BBQ will be the icing on the cake. So on a positive note , another week in which to buy them, and the prizes are just so generous, just remember to put BBQ on the justgiving site and I will add eveyone into the draw.thanksAngie

Dear HelenPlease accept my most heartfelt apologies that you didn't recieve an e-mail - irrespective of the fact that they are only available to those who can access the internet - and please be assured that if necessary we will welcome you with open arms next weekend if you decide to come along. As amateur organisers we're doing our best; the facility to contact each other also depends on the internet, and hopefully we'll do something next weekend that will not inconvenience anyone, particularly those who are obliged to live in a tent.Andrew

If you knew me AT ALL you would know that while I am many things arrogant is not one of them. I made a 1.5 hr  round trip to get there and had no food in the house for dinner afterwards so forgive  me  (and  that I direct at Sarah & Mark- sorry- I never got the email so don't know what happened there!)if I was a little peed off. I am not interested in getting into a slanging match but would prefer it if people who, and I repeat, do noot know me would refrain from making comments on my attitude

Very sorry to hear this Helen, we had thought that we covered all options, we had emailed and phoned and posted on the community, a message to all those that were going to attend I regret that you did not receive a notice of the event being cancelled.Just after the cut off time , when we had made the decision there was a huge storm here and all communication was down for 4 hrs, We did our best to let everyone know, regret that you had a wasted trip, but we are trying to do our best under difficult circumstances. We hope for better weather next weekend.A

Hello Helen,Very sorry about the BBQ but I made a point of emailing you at 3.56pm yesterday as soon as I could after we had decided to cancel. Sorry you did not see it in time. I tried my very best to email everyone I knew was attending. There were very bad storms all day Saturday, so I sent the emails at the first oppertunity I could when we had power.   Do hope you can make in next Sunday. Sarah

In reply to by Sarah and Mark

Hi sarah- sorry didn't receive an email- I checked using dial up but it still hasn't come through (the joys of modern communication). I won't be able to make it on Sunday as I'll be working, but hope it doesn't rain & that you have a good turn out