Inserting a PDF or Word information file in a Post.

07/04/2009 - 11:11

Is there a function so that we can insert a PDF or Word document into a post? I have some information for the Energy certificate topic, but cannot see any way to insert it without copying and pasting( PDF of about 7 pages). I know that on the old format we could, but now it seems to have gone altogether.


They are on my personal computer, so have not got the URL, otherwise I would have used it. Would be easier to just be able to include documents I think, instead of URL's every time.

In reply to by Badger

Badger, the only way I can think of is to create a blank page on a website if you have one, then post the info on there and put a link on here to it - a bit of a long winded way round though someone can probably think of an easier way? Kevan?????

Hi Sarah & Mark.Website is the company one, and most of the info I receive is from them and not always shown on their site. I am quite happy to put a PDF or word document that may help people in the community with information that I have on file, as we could do on the previous forum. Cannot understand why the facility does not exist now.Anyway, have found one original link at the moment, so will add that to the energy certificate post, still think its faster just to add a file .