Greetings from Piemonte

06/25/2009 - 05:13

 Buongiorno, and saluti from the beautiful region of Piedmont in Northwestern Italy.  I have been living here in Acqui Terme for 6 years.  My husband and I have  a small, elegant B&B where we have a gourmet kitchen, a beautiful wine cellar, and a dog named Max.  I would be happy to field any questions about the area, its cuisine, the wine and culture.  


Hi Diane,Have looked at your blog and really interested to find out a bit more about your experiences in Piemonte. I am new to this site and am looking to move to Piemonte next year with my family and wondered what general experiences in this part of italy you have had and how it compares to other parts of Italy.  I keep hearing and reading about problems with economy and red tape being a problem, as you can imagine have lots of questions and would welcome any info!Antonietta  

 Hi Diana and welcome. Good to hear from you and share your experiences.We also had a dog called Max, many years ago. A black Chihuahua with a great personality.Best wishes,

Also greetings from Piedmont. Missing the luxury of time that I had last year - so have not had a chance to look into the new community pages much. Past moderator for the Piemonte side of life when we were a "forum" and resident expert in vineyards and winemaking.  Happy to offer the same level of help here - but I have taken on a lot of real world activities this year, which means I will only dip into the internet occasionally.Hi to allpiedmont_phil 

 Hi,really happy you joined the community! Piedmont is a wonderful region, well-know for its wine production browsing the available Topics and Groups.Hope you'll have a great time here. Contact me via private message if you need any further details about how to use the community tools.Valentina  

Hi everybody in Piemonte,I am Paola I live in Glasgow just now but I am establishing myself as an Architect and Estate agent in Monferrato, I have now a few success stories up my sleeve.Do you all use facebook? I have just discovered an expat in Monferrato page that is lovely, and I am sure it could be extended to the rest of Piemonte! If you type Monferrato in the find friends window you will find the group!

Ciao Paola,Welcome from another soon to be expat!Would be interested to know which part of Monferrato are you basing yourself in?  We have a place near Cerrina and are sorting out  residency shortly.  I think the site you have found is Ed's - why don't you hook up with him re your thoughts - he's a great guy and keen to socialise.Wishing you all the best with your plans - look forward to possibily meeting up when you are there?Jane

Jane,Hi,  I have been in touch with Ed, and it would be lovely to meet up soon, we will be in Italy at the end of August. My Mum was born near Cerrina... how lovely!Where do you live just now?Paola