
Ravagni UK Image
07/12/2009 - 14:12

Hi All. This is our first post. We are about to leave for our 6 week stint in Toscana (We pick the kids up straight from school). This time we are driving straight to Sicilia first (purely to watch a certain band perform in the Teatro Greco). Can anybody report on the state of the roadworks on the E45 south of Naples? We only experienced a mere 4 hour detour last year on the return journey which we would like to avoid this time. Anyway, pleased to meet you all. I'm off for a nose...Chris (& Jacqueline)


 Hello Chris and Jacqueline and welcome to the Community. I trust that somebody will be able to give you accurate information about the state of the roadworks as a 4 hour detour in summer is no fun at all.Enjoy the concert and the holidays!

Thank you very much. I'm amazed that we did it last year without Nintendo DS's! (Our children are now 5 & 7 years old).At the moment I am sitting in an office under the arches of Waterloo East railway station, but only 9 days to go!

 A warm welcome to the ITALY Community,you may post the same question under the location Campania, hopefully someone could be able to help you.Looking forward to hear more from you and how your journey to Sicily will be. 

Thank you. I'll have a play around when I get home (I'm in an office in London at the moment). I'm sure my wife (Jacqueline) will write you all a full report upon our return to Toscana as long as the internet still works. She does words, I do numbers. Chris