Waterproof Coating for Cotto Floor Tiles

Antinello Image
07/22/2009 - 02:00

We are having some relatively high end cotto tiles put down in the kitchen and living room. Our geometra is recommending that we have them treated with a waterproof coating. He argues that if you spill oil etc on them without this coating it is impossible to get it out of the tiles.Good idea or just a way to beef up the overall price?Antinello



http://www.punto-service.info/trattamento-pavimenti-cotto.htmlsomething like this?it is a good idea, we had cotto in our bedrooms and my GranMother used to wax it every year, a hard job I can tell you... we have recently refurbished the house and I have used "cotto tiles" that is tiles that look like cotto but are ceramica, as I did not fancy the waxing every year!If you want to have proper cotto I think it is best to treat it. If not look at the ceramic tiles that look like cotto, some of them are really good, expecially if you have a reasonable budget.You can have a look at one of the houses I have redone at: http://latoca.co.uk/casa%20Metti.htmlPaola  

We had our original coto tiles restored and  re-laid when our house was renovated and they were 'supposedly' waxed but if you drop a tiny bit of anything oily on them, they stain immediately and it is virtually impossible to get the stains out. Having said this, they are really beautiful and we are so glad we kept them. The only thing I have found (funny how it sounds but it works a bit)  is to rub a small amount of sand really hard into the oil stain as soon as you can and sometime this seems to get the stain out.   I would certainly recommend getting them treated - have a look at your local builders yard - ours in Comunanza sells a large range of products specifically for the job!

Thanks all for your responses. Really helpfulDoes this type of coating typically result in a shiny varnished look or is it more an acceptable 'wet tile' finish that brings out the colour?Antinello

Just wondering if anyone has ever removed many layers of wax from cotto. My friend recently purchased a house with so much wax on the cotto tiles you can barely see the tiles! Is it a huge undertaking to remove all of the wax and start again? Thanks. 

Definitely have your tiles treated, but be aware that that this will have to be redone every couple of years or so and is very expensive if you have them professionally done. Upwards of €15 -€18 per square metre to clean and re-treat. Really be sure that you want to have cotto. Same cost to remove old layers of wax and re-polish.

My Nonna, here she comes agin, used soda caustica to remove wax from tiles. but it is a labour intense and smelly job...you shoudl protect your hands, eyes and wear a mask if you decide to do it...

We used a PVA based application on our stone floors and it seems to work; keeping spillages from soaking in. PVA is good with any pourous surface, and a 5 litre pot covers a great deal as you duilute about 20:1.

I have used the fila product on our new old looking tiles we used for windowsillls as they were already getting marked.Cost 20 euros for about 5 windowsills. I cannot see it at all and it certainly doesnt give that naff wet look appearance.If you want a breathable floor then you cannot apply any sealer to the tiles.If you already have a massive slab of cement under the tiles then you can put anything on them as you don't have a breathable floor !

No PVA - too permanent, No Wax will go dark. Use Klear liquid from UK, after first couple of applications forms a nice shiny, colourless seal and can be removed with ammonia/floor cleanser mix. Have not seen it in Italy so far tho'The seal throws off liquid stains and on natural stone looks like a pebble just out of the sea (how poetic)

Thanks all for your thoughts and advice.We have a pretty good idea of the options/products available now and will guide our Geometra accordingly.Appreciate the helpAntinello