Just moved over.......

05/18/2009 - 19:43

Hi guysA short note to let you all know that I'm still alive & kickin and here.#1


Welcome and hope you enjoy. But hate the Avatar .......... Stoke City man meself.....duck

Hi John.Thanks for asking, yes tutto bene. Hope all in fine with you and the family.Still trying to find my way around this new site and so far I can't say its user friendly. Any thougts on the subject?Rome.......a bitter pill to swallow. To put it simply, Barca played and we just watched!!!!!!!#1 

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi S. I.Nice to see you too.Trying to familirise myself on this site,.....BTW, which 'missed' post are you referring to?Regards.#1  

 God knows Uno.  lol   Posts don't appear in sequence and it gets very confusing here!!!  ciao ciao, Sally

I hope Ronald will have a look at this and I'm sure he'll sort it out, if there is something to sort out.Maybe its the hot spell in UK at the momemt but I've noticed that everytime we enter something in the 'Subject' field, it gives the impression of a new thread.#1