Telepass in other countries

07/24/2009 - 04:11

We live here in Italy permanently so we have a Telepass because we never have any cash on us! We are having to take the car back to the UK this September, and wonder if anyone knows whether our Telepass will work on the French toll motorways as well as Italian ones? Has anyone driven back to the UK with a Telepass in their car?


I'm disabled and paying road tolls in Europe with a r/h drive car, and when you're on your own, can be a nightmare. Obviously here I have my Telepass, but I used to ask at the Punto Blu every so often if they knew when France might have a Telepass. They have always said that so for there are no plans. But you could always pop in and ask too. I haven't done so recently beause I don't think I'll be driving back to the UK anymore.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I had to drive on my own (difficult to make friends as a Gerbillo) through France recently in a RHD car - so bought myself a fishing net which I shoved out through the passenger window with the ticket & money at the tolls.Worked a treat, so you might find it useful Carol B. 

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Wish I'd known this last week as husband is just back in uk after driving to le marche on his own - he went via belgium to save dealing withthe tolls but the fishing net idea is great - an invention for dragon's den?

In reply to by jepsonclough

A fishing net is a fishing net jepsonclough!To attract the Dragons I guess you would need to attach a flashing LED 'Merci' or 'Grazie'.

I should point out that your Telepass won't pay the congestion charge in London, either. Just thought you should know that...

The net is fine for handing over the cash and ticket ......but how do you use it to take the ticket from the machine.....? a pair of those 'Litter Pickers' ( extended grippers so 'Old Folk' can pick up bits and bobs they've dropped on the floor) seems to fit the bill with an attached net to hold the cash.... now that'll impress Peter Jones and Co....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Gromit you've identified the weakness of my scheme!  However jumping out of the car from time to time to collect a ticket protects against deep vein thrombosis.