Hi, I am a new member to the forum and I will be asking loads of questions as I am moving to Italy soon! Can't wait!

Will Image
08/31/2009 - 15:40

I look forward to chatting to you all, however, I am curently arranging a trip over to Italy in a van and trailer so if anyone needs to send some items back to UK I have a payload available up to 2.5 tonne. I will be returning to the UK on the 30th Sept.Enjoy, Will


Will, welcome and good for you that you will be moving to Italy soon.  I hope I can spend more time there in the very near future. For now I only do long visits and even that is so wonderful. Enjoy every bit of it. 

Hi,Where are you based? I've just moved here to Carassai in June and have been working my way through the minefield of bureaucracy with the help of some great people - send me a pm if you think i can help. Good luck!