Refurbished public swimming pool in Bagni di Lucca - anyone been there?

07/10/2009 - 19:56

Er that's it really - we're over for a month quite soon - wondering how the makeover looks?It's one of my favourite outdoor pool complexes in the region but it had been getting a bit giu in carrozzeria...(All seems very different in here these days, eh?)A presto 



 i haven't seen it as yet. I will have to wait until September..... But it should look great as it has always been beautiful. Besides, the pools are filled with Bagni's thermal waters, which makes the complex more of a spa....Welcome to the group, Il volpe.

We haven't really had the weather for it yet, but was by there today and it was packed out by the looks of it. Tourist season a bit slow to start here at the mo...

Haven't been to this swimming pool yet but would like to.  Will be at our house in Filecchio next week,  can anyone give me directions to the swimming pool from the little bridge in the centre of Bagni? 

In reply to by LesnSue

From the centre of Bagni (market Square) walk up past the school and follow the signs. Check on Google Earth if your not sure ass you can't miss it...Cheers