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After zero growth in 2005, Italy's economy should pick up in the first half of the current year thanks to a general recovery in the euro zone, according to…
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Ilary Blasi, the wife on footballer Totti, apologised on Tuesday for her 'Janet Jackson moment' on the opening night of Italy's top TV show of the year, the…
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Pope Benedict on Wednesday named 15 new cardinals, saying they would be formally given their distinctive red hats at a ceremony in Rome on March 24.
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The ransacking of the Italian consulate in Benghazi was likely sparked by a League minister's controversial support for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad,…
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An exhibition of costumes from Bernardo Bertolucci's Oscar-winning movie The Last Emperor has kicked off a rich programme of events giving an oriental flavour…
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The prosecutors conducting an investigation on Berlusconi's Mediaset company have published a letter which they claim was written by British lawyer David…
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Italy has used 6% of its strategic gas reserves to compensate for cuts back in gas arriving from Russia, according to Sergio Garribba, the energy department…
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Calderoli, a member of the anti-immigrant Lega Nord party and until Friday minister of Reform, has been forced to resign by Premier Berlusconi following his…
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An Italian lawyer is having a whip-round to make it easier for Premier Silvio Berlusconi to carry out a pledge - later retracted - to 'sail to Tahiti' if his…
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Italian Agriculture Minister Giovanni Alemanno expressed concern on Tuesday over a World Trade Organisation ruling that the European Union and six member…
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