Ten Photos to Inspire a Visit to Calabria

The beginning of the year is usually a time for lists of the must-see destinations for the coming year - we've done one too, and always enjoy looking at what other publications say it's worth discovering. Rough Guides, the prestigious travel guide publisher, has recently presented its list of the Top Ten Regions to visit in 2016, and we were excited to see that it features Calabria among them. 
Here's Rough Guides' reason for including it:
"Charming resorts along two gorgeous coastlines, rustic mountain villages and peperoncino-heavy cuisine make this region a favourite below-the-radar Italian holiday destination. But, until now, Calabria’s tourism has been primarily domestic. Historically underdeveloped, this stretch of the far south was long neglected and remains somewhat marginalized, with the ‘Ndrangheta mafia still a powerful presence across parts of the region. However, this year new budget flights from Turin to Lamezia Terme, along with websites like Airbnb, are opening up even the most rural towns to adventurous travellers seeking another side of Italy. Homes heated by wood fires, organic farm-to-table food, local wines, uncrowded Mediterranean shores and unparalleled hospitality wait as reward."
So in honor of Calabria, here's a slideshow displaying the varied beauty of this southern Italian region, hoping it will inspire you to go exploring!
Travel Tips
The Essential Guide to Calabria
Morano Calabro
Rocca Imperiale
Isola di Capo Rizzuto