Babs's activity

Questions Asked

Hello, my husband and I own a house in Tuscany jointly - would it be worthwhile putting the house into one name to reduce the accountants fees for the calculation of IMUs?  It’s going up each year and would be half the cost for one of us.

Sun, 06/09/2019 - 13:56

Rubbish Tax Bagni Di LuccaHello, we have owned this house over 5 years.  It was uninhabitable for the first two years, then we camped out for one year and then more renovations including a new roof for our 4th year.

Mon, 02/19/2018 - 11:30

HelloCould anyone on this site please clarify the ENEL charges to non residents?  Our old house in the North’s bills went up to €100 due to the tv licence, but since changing agents dropped to €25, what a difference.

Sun, 01/28/2018 - 06:20

Comments posted

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 17:57

Thank you, so wish it was easier.  The Deeds had one value and after all the kind help on this site, we obtained the Visura which showed the values had nearly doubled!  It was uninhabitable when we purchased it and we've spent thousands making it better only to find this increase is making us pretty skint twice a year.  The only upside is that we may get to visit more and we like the area and Italy so all is not lost. smiley

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 13:56

Thanks Maggiis the calculation for 6 months or a year? Seems easy with this calculator.  When it's done how do you pay so that the form goes with it from overseas?  I can see there's an international payment but how does the F24 go with it?  Sorry seems stupid, if only we could send a cheque and forms, much easier.thanksBarbara blush

Tue, 02/24/2015 - 02:13

Thank you so much LargeLewis - I've spent hours on the Internet looking and trying to find the rate of the tax every 6 months.hopefully this will give me a fighting chance and the will to learn more Italian.  I wish there was an English translation somewhere.  However I don't think I will need it now.  Thank you.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 16:18

That sounds brilliant but how do you work out the calculations?Tipologia Immobile?Rendita Catastale?Aliquota? Aliquota AccontoPartineze C02, C06  C07  - is this garage, groundsits all on the webpage of the Commune but I don't know what it is they want nor is my house an A2 and where do you put second home?  I've been learning Italian but not enough yet for this.  Any help would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you. 

Sun, 02/22/2015 - 17:06

We are in the same position unfortunately we know there are online calculators but it's knowing the property code and the value of the property, I can't find it in English,or how to work it out.we were charged €600 plus €60 by one agent twice a year but we swopped because we had building problems but now the tax payment has gone up to €880 plus €120 plus IVA twice a year because the accountant is double and they say the tax nearly doubled.  However the Commume Appears to require just the original payment of €660 when I asked for a receipt.  I just don't know what is going on and how to get help.does anyone know what the tax calculation is for second homes for Bagni Di Lucca and rubbish tax or a Geometra who could help without having to pay €250 plus IVA per year to the accountant?  It is just IMU and TASI.thanks 

Mon, 08/18/2014 - 05:32

Ive looked and I couldn't see anything to say about  bad reviews.  The trouble is we are vulnerable as  we are not there all the time.  We  paid our first agent for electrical work, it wasn't finished and then when we asked our second agent to ask someone to finish it, the same electrician turned up!  He was very embarrassed .I am sure we have just not seen the best of BDL yet, we've met some lovely store keepers who were very helpful and residents.  It's a shame we got our fingers burnt with our first agent. And to be honest everything was ok until we required building work and a planning application, I'm not totally sure it was her fault or that of the Gemotra .We were very lucky and managed to buy a really small property in Calabria, the difference in purchasing, help and remedial work is unbelievable.  The agen meets us together with the lovely gent who looks after the property and we go out with them and meet all the local families.  I know we will have this in BDL, it just takes time, our agent is lovely and so is the Engineer, we are getting there!

Sat, 08/09/2014 - 05:05

Hello Brianweve just had the same.  Our roof plans were supposed to have been passed - they hadn't .  The Gemotra was a nightmare and when he began the roof (without the correct permissions) he had the rainwater meeting in the middle.  Don't know if it was bad workmen or the Gemotra but it was a mess, so we had to pull them off and start again with a new company and builder, they've done a great seems to care that money is taken in that area, especially cash in hand which we now know is illegal.  Also the IMUs have more than doubled so we are paying more than €2,000 per year.  I'm learning all the time and we have noticed a few items go missing and broken glass in our window, that's the trouble if we've upset the builders in the area, although we did use another local one.  Could be accidental, I hope so as we love the house and the area.

Sat, 08/09/2014 - 04:26

I hope you have a lovely time.  We've just visited and the builders dust was everywhere, luckily we stayed in a hotel for some nights.  However we managed two nights  - disaster!  I've just found out about humidity.  New sheets were so wet and the house was crawling with insects, no internet or television, so a few more obstacles to overcome but nearly there.our against mentioned about cleaning the house and clearing the garden but stupidly we thought we had cleared the garden last year and scrubbed two bedrooms.  Lesson learnt - listen to agent next time.  I hope you have better luck, the circles haven't quite left us yet - but they will!!

Tue, 06/10/2014 - 05:55

smileyI know the feeling when a weight has been lifted.  I looked for help when I had problems and a lot of lovely people showed me the way.  I was niave, made mistakes and had 6 months of worry.  Now we also have a builder who sends photographs and a lovely lady who minds the place for us.  I'm so glad you're ok now.  We only visit occasionally but will retire soon and go much more.  The dream lives on, as does yours.  Take care.

Tue, 05/27/2014 - 13:59

We live and learn,  you had a shaky start as we did but perhaps we can help others.