adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

 i sent out i though a message..using a broadcast option... now i sent one and it came back as if nothing had i did it again with the same type of message just an additional thought...

Sat, 09/05/2009 - 13:06

 got prompted by a post about children to write a bit on the day before the earthquake... which it seems that the people that run L'Aquila at least would like to be kept quite...

Fri, 08/21/2009 - 17:09

 could this happen not sure... but it makes me smile... and most probably one of the reasons that Italy is the place to live...its a bloomberg report ...

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 16:39

 this is a comment from many in Italy on what has happend since the disaster in L'Aquila ... for once not aimed at Mr B. but at another institution here...

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 06:23

 seems pretty competitive for uk people.... will be interseting to see how well it works... post office queues were in the past a bit of a nightmare for me... however their opening hours were good...

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 11:46

 just read this and someone asked why some beaches were not mentioned...  so if interested in what is happening where you are there is also a link to the pdf file from the minister of health with mauch more detail....


Thu, 08/06/2009 - 07:21

 heres a link to an article i just read ... i know red wine has long been suggested as something that benefits health... heres a new twist its in Italian ...but makes interesting reading... its aimed in the first part at women and eros...

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 14:12

 of all the sagras we go to one of the important things is the music... generally starting at around 9.00 ... now there are dire causes and often its maybe better to eat and leave...

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 08:57

 well i dont, cause i didnt drink it in england either...or anywhere else for that matter but was suprised not sure why to be offered a beer one day from a micro birrificio of notaresco which was very good...

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 12:30

Comments posted

Mon, 08/24/2009 - 13:18

 i presume you are talking about harvested potatoes....  on my granddads farm in ireland they were placed in a heap and then covered with straw and then soil...  i see no reason that this would not work here...but be very careful about sorting out damaged ones and be prepared for mice... also potatoes get as much damge from cold if not more than heat ...make sure they are well cured before burying them... its unusual not to have a cantina area in a property... this is the best place in crates or paper/hessian sackste 

Sun, 08/23/2009 - 12:30

 you can do it with astra 2.... satelite connection download... slower upload... expensive... i think 99 euro per month for fastest plus equipment... keys to plug into compute either via vodaphone or tim... lots of packages and depending where you are varying speeds would have to check out what the best one at the house is... quick to set up...go to mobile shop and buy key and package with your codice fiscale  ..plug in key install software and away you go...there are people far more expert on all the options and if you are into tech type discusions search on mobile internt and there are several threads on this and the older forum...  

Sun, 08/23/2009 - 11:28

 is how i see it...  which in reality is not a good thing because with negative inflation it means that the economy is not doing that well ... in fact the only things people are buying here are mobile phones... up 14 % in saleshowever an interesting article from 2008 in the sole 24 puts costs in italy into perspective when people talk about the good old days and it all seems to balance out from my point of view looking at daily spend there is little to no difference... tomatoes at the moment 45 cents a kilo, cafe in a bar 80cents, meal in agriturismo 15 euro, lunch in teramo two course with wine 8-10 euro..  nothing much has changed.. the worst time was when petrol prices went up... noticebale the change in weekly money required to live... but that was for a short period... for Italians at least in my opinion the time that everything went wrong was the day the last left wing government came into power... there was a hike in all things from taxes and energy ...  many more additional costs added to pretty well every form of life here... millions of new regulations introduced... well not literary ... but it felt like it...  the election of the present Berlusconi government was a response to what Italians felt in their pockets... that they could not survive the month on a salary of 1200 euro or even worse the pensioners on 400 euro..  as all the new laws and taxes added to the daily cost of living things haven't got much better since for most... a few regulations have been stopped but the Italian government cannot reduce taxation levels... Europe will not allow it.. which is why ICI was removed because that could be done... and various new rules introduced...  anyway heres the dry version of what things cost in Italy at the moment... pretty well agree with most of the comments from the residents here although i cannot answer any UK comparisons as i havent been there for a few years now and when we lived there we lived in Devon  as Penny says quality was pretty well as good as here in terms of fresh good food available if you lived in the countryside in the for setting up things and costs ... Penny makes a very good point again... work that out first before you jump... tourism venture failures are not reserved to Italy... they are reserved to people that do not research well or cannot cope with the move from employed work to self employment discipline...  millions set up and go bust in the UK... every year...thinking they can make a living with the profit from a house sale or redundancy payments...  by setting up a nice B & B ... do it where you cannot speak the language ...its even worse.... and hours of work required when working for yourself are beyond your worst nightmare...  sebastiano as usual got to the nitty gritty of it all early on... am enjoying reading all the views...  even Rams optimistic life here on euro 10,000,  i think hes referring to the young men who remain at home until 35 who drive their parents cars and mum still cooks and washes for them...   

Thu, 08/20/2009 - 08:13

 the suggestions above are as good as any... however be prepared for very detailed paperwork regarding earnings and tax returns... plus a long term working for the same company proof... also bank statemenst showing a good deal of money left over each month takes ages.. and is not at all guaranteed that even after the paperwork is all done that even if you think you have met the criteria that the loan will be given...they also have very complicated mortgages and rates... not suprised i guess... and costs are quite high...they will also often get you to pay their prefered geometra for a valuation... at a cost to you ...and then turn down the loan... persistence and patience... and nothing out of the normal in your background ... are all requirements...  had more people turned down than accepted and as i say it doesnt seem to matter which bank you use  there are specialist agencies in the UK that deal in these sorts of things but cannot say i would reccomend any as they sometimes seem to be as hopeless and as slow as the banks they deal with...   

Answer to: Bitten dog?
Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:06

 glad you took the time to make the last post... it helps if you get an end to a story... so thank you for that... most of all hope all is resolved ... well done for being persistent with the vet too... you'll just have to train her sure she will apreciate your help and find that looking after animals is a worthy career that she has taken on and now is doing better at... keep at it

Answer to: Land registry
Tue, 08/18/2009 - 18:29

 should have said... once you have the registered act or if you have it go to the comune with should have been told to do this and regsiter it at the comune for their calculation of ICI and garbage tax....  there will be tax due and a small fine for not doing this before i would imagine... plus you will be then billed yearly which i presume you have not been for your property in abruzzo... 

Answer to: Land registry
Tue, 08/18/2009 - 18:07

 at the final act you sign documents that clearly state the details of the property... all this has to be done before the act not after...the notary then registers the property the notary is the only person in italy allowed to validly transfer the title to property drafts the Purchase Deed (rogito), ensures its proper execution, registration, and payment of all Italian taxes  has something changed posted at same time...however yes go back to the notary...why pay a geometra for something that should have already been done... and pick up the registered transfer...rogito 

Answer to: Land registry
Tue, 08/18/2009 - 14:30

 do you have any papers from a notary regarding the sale and purchase of the property... would be my first question to what seems quite a strange story... and if so... you need to contact them and get the registered paperwork from them...auctions here in Teramo you need also to be a resident in order to buy a property ... via the court... did you buy the property or the agent....generally a property at auction has a notary assigned to the sale...  did you use that notary or the one of the agent or seemingly from the sound of your question no one...hopefully it is not the case that you paid the money to the agent and then they bought the house for you.... more details...    

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 15:58

 i think you will find this thread on here is pretty closely related to your problems... seems to be quite a gang of the same people always involved... there are various protest groups being set up everywhere and a site called eyeonworldwide ... seems to be pretty independant of all building/estate agents down there ...also there is a firm of solictors involved in some class action type work... not sure if this will fall in with their requirements... anyway thats the link

Answer to: caravan and dog
Sun, 08/16/2009 - 07:27

 sang gives to my mind most probably the easiest driving route of the whole lot to get to italy...either that or the frejus... the costs are what people seem to dislike the most... however french motorways are just so easy to cover distance on... and excellent...  cost with caravan...could make you decide to skip ease...  but the route he describes is my preferred route... especialley as you do reims now instead of paris... agree also on waiting till september....