adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

a link to a site where up until the end of august if you see an abandoned dog on the autostrade you can signal via an sms to the number in the link....  and hopefully they will get in touch with the right people... to get the animal to safety...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 07:38

some images from a typical type of sagra here based on in old times the threshing of the cereal crops but now celebrated in many areas including abruzzo as a celebration of the past...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 06:20

 from about october to may each morning i turn on the TV and over coffee watch news and weather... especialley the long range weather.... come May...

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 05:43

 i posted this on the old forums and felt it worth another mention... with so many new memebrs on this site that might well be interested...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 04:16

 someone just asked about road travel through L'Aquila...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 02:58

 we all read recentley of a dog that died belonging to a member here that did not in any way receive the care we all want our animals to receive...  deserve.. a better she said ... allow them at least to die with dignity...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 17:06

 this might apply to a few of you that have your main residence here and found that your comune was collecting ICI on things like extra garages and other sorts of outbuilding...

Tue, 07/28/2009 - 05:41

 i just joined charlottes group... not a big event you might say... but a confusing one for me at least...  i thought to comment in a group via a post you had to be a member...

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 11:30

 as this is a conservation group and despite the best efforts of our dogs to make all lizards in the garden tail less i would just like to add a tip for those of you with outside ...we do have indoor bathrooms but also typically of ital

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 16:12

 we received an email from this group the other day asking for help in recognisng the problem of abandoned animals here...and instituting a campaign against it"Gentile iscritto di, speriamo di farti cosa gradita avvisandoti

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 06:45

Comments posted

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 02:24

look i already owe 12 i got to pay more???? ok thenbut someone put me out of my misery soon.... otherwise i am going to have to dig a "pit" for myself again

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 16:51

well they might but the maremma have told them that they must day in a group and not do anything stupid... and sticcking lenghts of slidey things on their feet ... would definitely make them look silly and might well be dangerous... your definitely getting colder

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 16:39

a wrong... you dont say where the picnic is.....b your thinking of pensioned off canadiansc what is or where is moxies house... cause technically it could be in the right area... but i have a feeling its in the direction from here that one thinks about getting colder not warmer

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 16:15

ok i pay the money and ask a real question for two pounds where do all the woolly abruzzi end up for the winter

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 12:11

thanks gala... this is an excellent way i believe of looking after the "non-essential" rebuilds in the area... and brings links of friendship between the two countries... am sure that when the work is complete we will see a Spanish representative in Abruzzo to cement the friendship ... meantime it will provide esential work for craftspeople of Abruzzo in a time that is hard for all I know... but worse there as regards work

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 09:33

your right gala... discussions are under way in that sense and i guess it also makes sense... so thanks for putting me right on that spanish fort...spain.. i think Obama might get suckered into the cathedral restoration...i know this is gong off topic a bit but its quite interesting the wiki article on L'Aquila... not famed say like florence or venice and nor should it be ...but it does have a very strong history ...'Aquilabasically a traditional but dying old town of the 21 st century and has little reason in a modern world... it has always had trouble with earthquakes and the numbers killed in the past reflect the standards of what some might call ancients builds keeping you safe... a massive misconception to my mind... all the buildings apart from those built via the council and not built properly having suffered damage whilst the private stock of new and or properly renovated private properties none at allthe only building left standing in onna i believe is a modern new private house built to reg...

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 08:35

i call girona the north barcelona airport... because that's what ryan air seems to think it is... almost as close to narbonne as barcelona i guess...certainly less traffic... anyway thats where the flight...ryan air form pescara goes to... and thinking about my initial advice...trains from Brindis to pescara are much better than rome connections... a bit like the UK north south always works better than eats west...say to rome... in fact for us in abruzzo you would be quicker walking than taking the train... anyway get a train to pescara central and the 38 bus takes about 15 minutes to the abruzzo international airport here's an airport link to get you started

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 08:24

ok so who can tell me why ronald is a wonderful,caring and absolutely honest person with no guile who runs this place ...and puts up with us ... the correct answer of my choice will be within the first three answers... after that if the answers carry on and i have found no exceptioanl repsonses which satisfy my warped view on life i will only give five pound for the next best... unless of course its spelled correctley and has excellent grammer then it will go back up to ten... an award for spelling will make my initial donation go up by another 2 pounds... if none of the first three posts falls within that category...note my spell check is american there such a thing....and is all this too convuluted... Roanld is not allowed to enternote i did not run a spell check on this... to make it unclear... cause i just read the above i think it will be a donation of twelve pounds if spelt correctley and is ingratiating enough to embaress the person that runs the place of course it all depends on me finding my way back here...

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 06:28

in my opinion... not having a G8 meeting is most probably pretty good for the area... especially in Italy... we still holding trials and investigations here over the damage caused to people and homes during the last one... with Italy having a very strong anarchist movement and the ability of the secuity people to act against problems without fear of repercussions... no forward planning in terms of trying to at least diffuse situations... Sardinia should count itself lucky...basically the wheeze of having it in L'aquila means that any demos will be hard to set up...because its being used politically at least as a support thing for how can they protest... its going to cost 90 million as against 400 for security... and any saving is supposed to be added to the relief appeal pot... its aimed at getting the leaders of the countries that visit to make declarations over restoration of the places such as the Spanish fort... huge cost being farmed out to i think the US ... but anyway some of the big cultural rebuilds will be assignedanother point that gets missed the day all the big wigs move to a country they shut all the airspace around the airports... in the mid tourist season for sardinia i would have felt this would be a major disaster... flight delays beyond the norm and very little chance of alternate landings anywhere general here in the centre of Italy... Ciampino Rome is used ... and closed off for normal traffic... with Pescara then used as the alternate... with a 2 hour bus ride back to Rome... so if they do it that way this time.... it could be handy for people using the rome airport to get here to abruzzo... cuts out the drive from Rome... however there is a military air base near L'aquila ... i guess they might be using thatas for Sardinia... i think and it all seems like ages ago there is was another meeting planned it a G20 on either economics or green issues... that will be held there after the summer... again to my mind a benefit above the G8 because it will not disturb the tourist season... am sure hotels there and summer businesses will not require any boost... but an event that extends the season... all those reporters etc...needing ice creams and local food ...will go a long way to helping the economy to a much greater degree... so the conferences halls etc will be used.. Sardinia... will be in the worlds headlines for a week with lots of stunning backdrops... so an equitable situation for all... and hopefully very little trouble.... with Sardinia and the end of it all being happy along with abruzzo

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 15:42

theres a flight from pescara to barcelona ... dont know prices .. ok it means getting to pescara... car i would presume and long term park it good trains... as far as i can remember used to live close to bezier with family in barcelona... 2 hour drive....and narbone is a lot closer to the spanish border... and it might well be that the flight from pescara goes to the airport in the north not barcelona at all... which would take about an hour if you hired a car to get back up to where you want