adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

here are a couple of links the first one in English which is a vets site and gives pretty good details on what to look for as symptoms and how to treat the disease...

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 03:18

sorry am not a cat person but others might be able to sayhere in Italy when you own a dog the first thing you should do is register it with the comune...

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 05:06

there's the photos of our lot .... a disparate crew...always busy

Sat, 05/23/2009 - 03:31

if i have done this right hopefully some news of it will appear and people will add their comments and views and often help its also a relevant time because importantly here in Italy its that time of year where you start seriously protecting you f

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 08:10

Comments posted

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 15:44

 if you look at this forum you will find Charlotte Oliver ... she runs the italian succession law group.... works for a rome solicitor practice... anyway can suggest her as we have worked with her on sales.. if she cannot help where you live she may well be able to suggest someone else.... 

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 04:16

 annne hers the enels site expalnation of using a 1.5 kw supply attached to the grid...very clear... it also lists other variations of power input to the grid and costs... shows the loan rate plus electricity benefits... not sying you use enel... although they might be as good as anyone...banks here are queueing up to loan on this type of thing... its about all they will loan on now ...maybe there is some sort of government guarantee within it... thats the site and presume you can get a free estimate off of them for actual on site installation as all sites seem to have get out clauses on these regarding any difficulty in siting and installing panels and the rest of the equipment...  

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 13:44

 first link is to the solictors regulation authority... and the decison reached about the above law firm July this then a bit more detailed article suggest you search google for a forum called incalabria if your sister is fixed on buying down there... lots of help and experience ... believe they have upset many firms with their presence on the internet.. have heard many rumours but the two first links are fact at least and the second link shows that hepromised to leave the UK back in January which stopped the first investigation... also moved client files to Italy without permsion.. i think Giambrone as it was will be moving out to Palermo maybe...

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 12:10

 another form of lasagne i guess and famous here in abruzzo especially the province of Teramo ... they use scripelle (pancake sheets) in the layers... very fine... the ingredients are also more finely chopped but are much as lasagne... your choice... we have a very good restaurant in campli the tunel which has this dish as its speciallity and if in the area its worth trying it.. right in the centre of town... dont bother much ordering a secondo... could be hard wife from Caserta Campania now combines the two cultures of abruzzo cooking and that of Campania... naples have a good Timballo too..  to surely be able to compete with gromits other half... to my mind... and i used to make fun about this in the past the secret is in cooking the ragu for several hours... reducing the passatta slowly over a long time...  in a modern world this is not easy... but i believe its the time taken by Italian cooks in preparing this basic ingredient that makes the diference.. we are lucky with a second kitchen and a wood oven that we can leave things for several hours to slowly simmer... outside Italy do second working kitchens even exist...  in england even at lowest heat red sauce used to spit everywhere and reducing the sauce was not only time consuming but needed lots of cleaning afterwards... anyway use google italy to search on Timballo and Scripelle and you will find many variations of this layered pasta dish...Scripelle broth is another of my favorites 

Answer to: New Forum
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 09:23

 know what you mean...  but logistically i would think checking how many of the 7000 plus previous members wanted to move... would have been difficult... at least this way its a clean start... a lot of the sort of people that wanted to ridicule posts have finally dissappeared   ... and taking time i think you will find that as a whole the move has let us all end up with a far friendlier sort of place ...with a lot less clique type feeling ... more open and once you get used to it... and it will take time... a pretty useful place too.....  look at the marche group and how they and the community have raised funds for L'Aquila is a good example of how its working well...its still a place that is finding its feet ... to my mind anyway... and it needs help from people with experience of Italy from all sides... both to ask the right questions and have them answered ... hope the place grows on you as you wade through the new bits and pieces and try to work out how to find what you want....  as i say though ... it'll take perseverance...much like trying to become a member...   

Answer to: missing real ale
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 03:10

 agrre that when you find a place like that its worth taking time...we have two or three surrounding Teramo that i visit... each time i find another hidden corner with something useful although half the time am not sure for what on a dusty shelf...remeber the same sorts of places in Devon... lots of horsey stuff and nails sold by weight... and the smell of animal get back to seems the last site on my posting ...if you go into the englsih info section it allows you to upload a location file on to your tom tom... a very useful addition i would think..... 

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 18:16

 the first two are italian sites which make these fotovoltaico panels.. you can use google to see if you can find more locally however... you do get grants here but they are set against tax you need to be working here to get any reductions in the price...and even with that they still will take you until your dead to get any return... economically i mean... yes they will svae the planet but not your money...  its still much cheaper to pay a polluting company like enel to produce the energy for you... if you choose a system which only produces 3kw of energy then you are pretty unlikely to even break even let alone save the planet at any time... the only way to do this logically providing money is no problem for you is to produce more than you need... at least double what you are talking about and sell the extra into the grid...and when the sun goes down you are suppplied back from the grid... or on a cloudy day... but at 3 kw you are not going to be supplying much in...anyway the websites will tell all... its not a choice i would make... if cost is a parameter... especialley if you do not work and pay tax here...just doesnt make finacial sense..they cost a fortune these systems.....if your looking for cost effective measuers as against save the planet then the only form of solar technology at the moment which is effective in the sense of cost is solar panels which produce heated water...  heres the last site...Italian only i think ...but based in Caserta... designs and installs the systems...

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 12:41

 geotherm in the marche i believe ... if you search the old forum there are many tips and his website/contact info...could be wrong and badger forgive me if i am ... but that user"badger" is geotherm of old i believe and due to i dont know what he or anyone else is not allowed to show their credentials...  anyway he is a regular user still... and hopefully he will reply as to be honest hes the only one that really knows what hes talking about...if no response send him a PM via his user name...

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 06:20

 rainwater is very un complicated ... just go to a builders merchant  and buy a tank of whatever material...plastic or metal and drop it in the ground and connect up either a gravity feed system of pumped.... you can buy all the automatic watering systems at any decent DIY store...your second part is more complicated ... and firstly you would have to work out if you would be allowed to do this at all here... as laws get much tighter on polluting and also the fact that you might be contaminating the supply to your house...  what i have read about grey water recycling systems suggest they are best only used in the garden... have tried searching on italian sites to see if i could give you a place to start but have not manged to come up with an answer....below is the closest i could get to any metion of it... maybe some of the phrases used could be searched on to see if you can do better.... or just maybe the challenge of trying to help you get the right answer will get you a better reply... have you tried asking your geometra... he will know if local laws will permit you to do this and secondly if they do maybe where to find the materailsif you manage to go ahead that way would be interesting to hear about it...good luck  

Answer to: Fenches
Sun, 08/02/2009 - 08:50

 believe your property is surrounded by woodlands .... have you thought of maybe fencing by layering down some of the younger well here as verything grows so quickly... maybe using your bamboo to re-enforce my mind ...and ok i know you get strong winds in the UK too... many of the light timber fencing solutions would be shredded to bits in short time with the types of weather as regards winds that you get here... plus sun and rain...unstable soil fo even put the pots in ...etc etc... a living fence seems to me an apt solution for you...more long term...materials on site , better as a nesting cover area for wild animals and if you go into your woods plenty of good material for taking cuttings and adding more growth....sorry not your requested answer but another idea maybe