clombardelli's activity

Questions Asked

House Insurance - post earthquake. Unsurprisingly, our insurance company - has withdrawn our house building and contents insurance on our renewal this year, already having withdrawn earthquake cover from September of last year.  Our house in March

Fri, 09/08/2017 - 06:19

I own a house in Marche, where we spend around 6 months each year.

Sat, 12/17/2011 - 10:36

We have had a house in Marche for 8 years, and a couple of weeks ago, for the first time, we received a bill from the tax office (Equitalia) - only for E43 - but it is for 'Consorzio Bonifica Musone Potenza Chienti Asola A.

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 06:51

There is so much to do and see in Le Marche during the summer with each small town celebrating with their own festivals.  Sometimes I only got to hear of them by word of mouth from other tourists, or our local Italian neighbours.

Mon, 06/15/2009 - 08:30

I love to cook, and whilst my italian is good enough for basic shopping does anyone out there know all the terms/names when shopping in the butchers or fishmonger.For instance I have a wonderful recipe I want to try for a boned chicken, which also

Sat, 06/13/2009 - 05:30

I own a house near Tolentino, with around 10 acres of land.  We normally manage to spend just the summers there, and whilst my local Italian neighbour farms the lands and keeps it tidy - we always seem to have a ton of general maintenance to do fo

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 09:01

Comments posted

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 11:18

I have owned a house just outside of Tolentino for around 7 years.  Last year I was told by an English neighbour that as I owned a property in Italy I had to file an Italian tax return form (even though I am not a resident in Italy, don't work in Italy or have any income in Italy and am tax resident in the UK) Never having filed a tax return before, I got all of this checked out by Michael J Murphy of Marche Enterprises Ltd (email : ) - who will give advice and take care of any returns needed, including payment of ICI. Italian income taxes are due on the cadastral income that they generate on the property -   (it is an amount that you would find on your contract when you bought the house).  If the income on your contract exceeds E500 then tax is payable at the rate of 25%. I contacted him late last year and the firm has taken care of everything - I cannot rate him highly enough. You will find other references to him on this site.

Answer to: Doggy question
Fri, 08/13/2010 - 12:45

We are in Le marche at the moment with our two UK dogs, and I can't believe that the process is any different.  You need to go to a vet, and have tick treatment and some worming tablets given while you are in the vets, and your vet needs to date and TIME, and sign the passport.  The Time is extremely important.  You will need to arrive at Calais no earlier than 24 hours after the time stamp but before 48 hours.  THe passport will be checked by the vets at customs - including validating the microchip - only takes about 5 mins to do, and then you will be given permission to travel.  When we come from the UK the UK customs control do not seem bothered with dogs and there is no check.   Regards

Tue, 02/09/2010 - 15:24

Have sent you a personal email about this subject

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 12:29

I have sent you a pm with a recommendation.

Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:45

 sent you a pm about a builder in Gualdo, not far from you

Sat, 08/22/2009 - 05:43

I also use coriander in cooking, but have never seen the seeds/plants to grow here.  I just bring the seeds down from the UK and plant it in a pot in May (when we arrive) , it grows quickly and lasts all summer.

Answer to: missing real ale
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 06:58

For those of you who are missing a pint of English or Irish beer, there is a 'pub' in the centre of Pollenza called Brian Bru where they have a number of different beers on tap and bottled.  You are also able to eat there too.

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 12:45

From Calais take the A26 to Reims/Troyes, then A5 to Dijon, A6 towards Lyon, A46 around Lyon, then A43 to Chambery/Turino, A32 through Tunnel de Frejus, A21 towards Piacenza, A1 Bologno, A14 Rimini/Ancono. Any ETAP in France will take dogs - there is one near Lyon, if you manage a bit further then the Hotel Frejus in Collegno, on outskirts of Turino also takes dogs. Have fun. 

Mon, 07/06/2009 - 09:17

Normally Italians do not take anything to a neighbour when eating with them that they have bought.  They will have either grown it, or made it.  They will definately love anything for sweet that they would not make themselves.  Normally when eating with our Italian neighbours for desert we have fruit, icecream or tiramisu.  The last time I told them I would make desert and I made a pineapple upside down cake - and they loved it, and I get it requested now everytime we go !!

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 12:40

We are between Tolentino and San Ginesio near the village of Paterno, and it was torrential this afternoon, including hail stones.  We have experienced weather like this before, in August a couple of years ago and were absolutely astounded at the flash lightening and thunder.  Just hoping for better weather this week.  And unfortunately our Sky dish does not work in this weather, so watching Wimbledon was out of the question.