Maralyn's activity

Questions Asked

The exchange rate seems pretty good at the moment and we have booked our trips over to Italy for the year so are thinking about changing some money into euros for our visits.

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 16:55

My husband has just returned to the UK after a few weeks at our house in Picinisco, Lazio.  A few days ago he was with a couple of Italian friends and about to walk into the cantina when they told him to stop immediately and walk away slowly back

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 10:00

I was sent the following from a friend this morning.

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 07:43

Having read a post earlier today about Ryanair I was very amused to receive the following from a friend who, coincidentally, had no idea of what I had read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Fri, 03/25/2011 - 13:18

I am in a bit of a panic because I cannot see any flights this year from Newcastle to Rome by Easyjet.  they still have it as a route on their website but with no flights put up for sale.   I phoned Easyjet and they said I would just have to wait

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 13:31

Fiumicino airport to Ciampino airport, can anyone tell me if there is a shuttle bus between these airports or is it a matter of going by train to Rome Termini and then to Ciampino station and by shuttle to Ciampino airport.?    Your help would be

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 13:26

Whilst Ron was at our house a week ago he said there was a short but very definite earth tremor which caused everyone to come out of their houses and discuss.  He is back in the UK now and a friend from over there has phoned us to say they have ha

Mon, 10/12/2009 - 14:21

My husband Ron is over at our house in Italy with our dog Tink.Yesterday Tink was growling quite fiercely at an aminal in the field next door to our house and not the normal growl when she sees a cat or another dog, but a loud one.Anyway the anima

Tue, 06/23/2009 - 19:38

Comments posted

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 19:00

I have been making enquiries about flights from Newcastle and certainly there will be no Easyjet flight to Rome and Airtours/Thompsons/Thomas Cook are not flying to Naples either.   So it looks like it will be trip up to Edinburgh to fly to Ciampino.  The only thing is it means going Ryanair which I don't relish compared to Easyjet and a 06.50 take off which is a bit of a bummer time wise for travelling from Durham to Edinburgh. The return journey is a sensible afternoon time.   I will have to think positive and think of the lovely end result of being in my house in Italy at the end of the travel.   Thank you for your help and comments. Maralyn

Answer to: creepie-crawly
Mon, 07/05/2010 - 18:59

On my last visit to my house there were quite a few very bright green bugs that are shaped like a shield, have longish legs and move very slowly then suddenly jump. They are the size of my thumbnail I would think, at least the largest ones I have seen are.   I was told not to squash them because they really stink.  As I don't like squashing any bugs even though I am not happy with them near me I haven't found this out for myself.  So my question is what are they and do they really stink when they are squashed?   Maralyn

Mon, 06/21/2010 - 10:54

I have the mosquito blinds in every window and they are great, keep all bugs, mozzies, and flies out but I have one problem.........   I get bitten to death whilst I am sat outside in the evening, enjoying the fresh and cooler air.  The bites lease HUGE red, horrible marks on me as I react badly.  I never, to my knowledge, get bitten inside the house with the blinds in place.   So any answer to how I can stop being bitten outside please!! Maralyn 

Fri, 05/28/2010 - 19:17

I have a house near Atina (on the Sora road from Cassino) and use a mobile phone for an internet connection when I am there.  A friend who has a house the other side of Cassino in San Andrea also has problems with a connection and has to come to Cassino and sits in the cafe in Archie or in MacDonalds to get a connection.  We have both never seen these masts/signs.  Would it not be worth taking over the laptop just in case it is genuine and can be used? Sorry I cannot help further. maralyn

Fri, 05/28/2010 - 19:12

I take crockery and all heavy stuff in my cabin case and it sometimes weighs nearly as much as my hold suitcase.  (I travel on Easyjet).   It is fine dragging it around on its wheels but carrying it up the plane steps is difficult but not impossible, then I get a bit dithery at the thought of trying to reach up and put it in the overhead locker.  But being of an age where younger men think of me as "old" (I am 58) I just ask a younger man to help me with the case and have been helped with no problem at all both outward and return. Just act "pathetic"!!!! I was in my house near Cassino (southern Lazio) on my own for the first time in May and thoroughly enjoyed it although I was hardly ever alone, phone calls inviting me out, people visiting concerned I was alone etc.  I am going back in July for 10 days and again in September for about two or three weeks. I just adore it there but unfortunately with a business in the UK my husband and I cannot always get time away together.  Next to my computer desk is the start of the next lot of stuff to go over in my suitcase and hand baggage. I hope you have a wonderful time and fully understand your excitement. maralyn

Wed, 05/26/2010 - 19:23

Cilla, I can hear the excitement in your voice willing away the next three weeks.   I wish you well in your new home in Calabria and hope you have a wonderful relaxing time.   Maralyn

Tue, 05/25/2010 - 19:28

My husband was in Italy for a few months last year and when I was due out he asked me to bring some good old Sarsons malt vinegar with me because he couldn't buy "decent vinegar in Italy"!!!!!!   Heathen!!!!   Maralyn

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 16:39

There is a "British Shop" in Cassino which has been open for a few years but the prices are REALLY high. There are fewer British people around this area compared to further north but I do know that the shop is known to some Italians near me and they like to go and buy some chocolate or tea from it.  I went in, saw the prices and walked out again but saying that I am not living full time in Italy so bring over what I need in my suitcase.  It may be different when I am actually living over there.   Having lived abroad before for some years I made a point on living on the food of the country and when someone came over to visit me would ask them to bring bacon (I lived in Denmark but couldn't buy bacon!!), tea bags, etc., with them.   Best of luck whatever your decision.   Maralyn

Thu, 05/13/2010 - 17:45

LOL !!! As you say, only in Italy.  How many times do we say that? That is part of the charm of wanting to be there. Maralyn

Tue, 05/11/2010 - 17:20

Nothing worse than arriving somewhere stinking of petrol having filled the tank, that is after being poisoned by the fumes coming from the petrol pump!! Please don't get rid of the petrol pump attendants! Maralyn