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Thu, 10/15/2015 - 16:07

Le Marche came before Abruzzo and is similar, it used to be dearer to buy and likely is still. You might want to check out flights for this and certainly for Molise. What may seem okay now based on UK roads may become a bit of a pain out here...

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 05:26

Here you go John BA LINKRyanAir only allow you to print your return 7 days before and many (2 week holiday people) complain about that. IT varies from Company to Company, Alitalia are the same as BA. It may just take proper companies a little longer to get in to the modern world or it could be they (as bigger companies) are not allowed to do the same as the budget airlines for some reason.

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 04:32

To think John in the bad old days you had to be at the airport at least 2hrs before to checkin! Surely you simply need a web enables mobile these days and download it at any internet cafe with free wifi? Did BA not have their little kiosks at this airport where you could checkin for free. I know for a fact the budget companies will charge you a small fortune for the pleasure of doing so.

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 14:25

It's a long time since we have used BA, but wish we still had the option (and the money). In the past boarding cards were never issued until you got to the airport. Now of course you checkin with the likes of EasyJat and RyanAir and get the pleasure of printing your own boarding card or even putting it on your mobile... i.e. you do the work for them. I'll be surprised with BA if it costs to get your boarding card on arrival at the airport at no cost... Hence I would not see it as a real problem. Now if you are talking simply checking in prior to getting to the airport and have no internest access, hence having to queue for your checkin at the airport, well that is a different matter sad

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 17:24

I don't think it a stupid reason at all. Glad to see you have found the very good local forum smiley

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 15:59

In Italy the health service is good, but creaking ... It is "free" on a residence basis, but like the UK there are certain items you have to pay for. I do believe they don’t cost a lot, but thankfully we have never had cause to find out. 

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 11:43

I might be looking at the wrong Company here , but they seem to be saying 1mb upload. Anyway, there seems to be many of these WISPs setting up in Italy, we have two main contenders Connetti and Micso and both do almost the same deal for almost the same price (they are both €19). Have no idea what HYDSL stands for (it's not a standard), but they are basically another wireless internet service provider (WISP). The ones I've looked at normally give you a quick survey to see if you have good access and a couple of weks to try their service .... It's the contract side that puts me off getting involved with any Italian comapny... I did note this lot are charging €180 exc vat for installation, almost twice as much as the two above. They do at least however guarantee 2mb download speed, but I would not like to have to try to hold then to it.

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 11:12

Perhaps a suggestion to him of contacting the finance police might get a response.

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 10:19

Joy, four people we know of, two still here, had their OH fall seriously ill. One of the ladies who stayed here in Italy lost her husband just after moving here. She has been here several years and has no intention of going back to the UK. She has family there whom she does visit now and then and they occasionally (less often now) come out and see her. One of the other couples again had the husband fall seriously ill just after buying here and ended up going back to the UK, they had great difficulty trying to sell here and I still don’t know if they have done so. Worse still, following his recovery they tried to make a go of it coming back and found it was all too much and had to leave again. Both occasions they had all the waste of buying and selling new house contents. I would reckon more than 90% of those buying here from the UK are of a similar ilk – retired… Some buy and have a holiday home for a few years, but from what we have found most buy as part of their retirement project. Retirement in itself is a life time experience, I described mine as getting out of jail after 50 years (including school). To combine these events is perhaps a bit confusing in as much you are never sure which is impacting you the most. You are also very wise to look at it now and get as many opinions views as possible before doing anything. Hopefully you will take these into consideration and not like us, ignore most of the warnings we came across! Have to say again how lucky we were in how things worked out. Just had lunch on the balcony with views to die for. We have often taking these for granted, which is a grave sin as many would see it as the ideal world. Only 18c and windy, but masses of olive groves waiting to be harvested throwing off light an colours we have never seen in England, although the lake district in autumn is very hard to beat!

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 05:27

It's odd because the area we live has at least a dozen or so English people that we know of and the Comune official stats indicate there are even more. However what is really odd is that we know of many more living in around a 20-30k radius. We are hardly social beasts, but still manage to hear about these people and there are a number that have left over the few years we have been here. It may well touch on the other post the OP here has raised i.e. the little cultural differences when combined are great enough to our weigh the beauty. I would not want to put anyone off their dream, but I also think if a lot of these people going back had been provided with an alternative view point they may have not went on to regret what after all is a big decision. We were very lucky in the house we got and the fact we had mentally already been through the "what if we don't like it". Neither of us would give up the wonderful 4 years we have had here, but both accept, and did before buying, we will likely return to the UK at some point in time - but you never know... Our only regret is that we could not have moved out here earlier in life!