sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I have to say, how good TI are in responding to problems, twice now in the last few months, we have had problems (not of their making), and within 24/36 hrs they have been here fixing, photographing the poles, sorting things out etc.bravo TI,S

Wed, 09/28/2011 - 14:44

Well...................it looks like this site's demise is imminent, it has slipped downwards rapidly over the last few days to the point of hardly any posts, we have gone (very) slow again and it is almost on its last legs ?S

Tue, 09/20/2011 - 04:20

AGI) Rome - Out of a total of 13,500 checks on receipts issued in Rome, Jan to Aug, tax police report fines in 51pc of cases.

Thu, 09/15/2011 - 01:57

Ryanair passengers must sign up for a new branded pre-paid card available from 4 October in order to avoid an administration fee of £6 per journey.Passengers using Mastercard pre-paid cards, which currently exempt them from the fee, will be charge

Wed, 09/14/2011 - 13:17

Not sure how relevant this is at this late stage ?Italy Italian General strike 6 September, 2011Update 1 September Italian airport operational personnel, technical maintenance personnel will also strike this day from 8am to 4pm utc.

Mon, 09/05/2011 - 13:43

Well, early July, well into the 30s................anybody TOO hot yet ??S

Thu, 07/07/2011 - 10:09

Hi Folks,I KNOW this is an odd one...............We are travelling from Le Marche to BAVARIA (yes) in December (yes DECEMBER)......We would like to stop off for a single night on the way, we ideally would like a small town, where we can spend an a

Wed, 07/06/2011 - 13:13

Should this be a concern to us here in Italy ? Shares in Italy's banks fell sharply after Moody's threatened to cut the country's sovereign debt rating, saying structural weaknesses such as a rigid labour market pose a challenge to gro

Mon, 06/20/2011 - 16:14

Is it me, or is this year starting off very well weather wise ?............ not a lot of long-lasting snow (for us) early on and now(we are only mid June) it's 'hot'................, I recall some weeks ago having to water the gar

Sat, 06/18/2011 - 10:11

Comments posted

Answer to: Road Travel
Tue, 02/09/2010 - 06:16

 I think the following link might help you from the michelin guide........ http://www.viamichelin.com/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm Cheers, S

Answer to: ENEL
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 14:33

We are looking at every 3 years IF NEEDED............If not needed, it stays as it is and the chemicals do their job (very well so far !) Cheers, S

Answer to: ENEL
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 09:17

  I agree re the water costs, just got ours in for the last 6 months and the last two (covering a total of 12 months) comes to €240........... obviously it goes up when we have/need to change the water in the pool ! Check for a leak ! S

Sun, 02/07/2010 - 08:27

I'm fairly (99%) certain that you have to be 'resident' status to buy a car in Italy. You do not have to be resident if you wanted to buy a house strangely(!)...............BUT if you are not resident, you pay quite a bit more in taxes on the house if you did buy. If you're renting this obviously won't be a factor. Buying the car in Italy..............I wouldn't bother ! Costs are much greater than in the UK and even just 3rd party car insurance is SKY (I mean S.K.Y. !!) high. Residents get (slightly) lower charges on Electricity and Water, but it really is nothing to write home about. Stay as you are, S

Sun, 02/07/2010 - 06:36

 Hi guys................. I am 18 months into using Fidoka, I have a 1.2mb connection and having just tested (although I knew what the result would be), it is 99% stable at that level, morning, afternoon and evening 24/365. Weather is ALMOST never a problem,  and if I was starting all over again, would DEFINITELY go down the same route. With the 1.2mb connection it provides all of our Internet needs including LIVE UK TV as mentioned. The latter can be flakey at times, and that is down to 'only' having a 1.2mb connection, but it is definitely 'live-able' with. Fidoka provide a 2.4mb connection as well but it is twice the cost, and (for me) not going to add any great benefit. Good Luck, S

Answer to: ENEL
Sun, 02/07/2010 - 06:27

I tend to agree with costs here (in the main), we have a circa 300m2 house here, total running costs are for us some €4,000/€4,500 per year (electricity, gas, wood fires AND water AND Rubbish Tax). I feel that these costs are not very different to the UK costs (and in the UK we had a £2,400 annual Council Tax bill on top!). I wouldn't change things here! S

Sun, 02/07/2010 - 01:58

 Badger.......... I assumed that the £750 was the cost of the car ? (and the extra £400 for the Insurance). I'm sure all will be revealed soon,. Sounds like a bargain! I must look into the 'cruise' to Genoa, hadn't thought of that. S

Answer to: ENEL
Fri, 02/05/2010 - 15:36

 Ah if you are TOTAL electricity, it's sort of similar I guess? In some ways you may be doing the best thing, no lugging in and stacking of wood etc.................I'll have to give some thought to this !! S

Answer to: ENEL
Fri, 02/05/2010 - 15:20

 Capo Boi, Wowza ! €4,700 in ONE year ??!!.......Do the charges fluctuate dramatically month by month ?! We also have a 'reasonably' sized house (4 beds/3 bathrooms), (only) a 10m pool etc etc, our total Enel bill last year was circa €2,500. We only use Enel mainly for lights & pool pump (latter very expensive), the rest being gas (another €600), and wood (circa €1,000). Why is yours so much ? S

Fri, 02/05/2010 - 14:41

 Good man Ram........... I suppose it's a bit like the ''write your own will'' stuff, down on paper, handwritten etc etc...........Not heard the technical phrase 'all the usual guff' for a while ! Bravo ! Cheers, S