sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I access BBC iPlayer through My Private Network and it works absolutely perfectly. Some time ago (I think maybe 12/18 months or so ?), some kind soul explained on this forum how to extend the viewing time by renaming the downloaded file. Can anyon

Mon, 05/30/2011 - 01:35

Sadly, it looks like some people will again be struggling to get here and/or go back for the bank holiday weekend coming up next week, hopefully a lot of rescheduling can be undertaken? As a point of interest, the following website shows the lack

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 08:15

I don't know if it is me (or my computer !) but .....................every now and then, it is like this forum goes to sleep. I was only thinking the other week how fantastically useful the forum is for getting and donating information, research,

Sun, 05/08/2011 - 06:06

Sorry..............does anybody know an Indian Restaurant in Macerata area ?S

Wed, 05/04/2011 - 15:18

For those who can't get to see the wedding on Friday, this link might help........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kav0FEhtLug S

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 03:55

Prior to buying our little bit of Italy, I insisted on having a certificate of habitation fully signed and sealed. Does this have to be renewed at any point or is it only if I sell sometime in the future? S

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:25

I don't dislike the lizards that bask in the sun and race around (and seem to bite each others tails?) the garden and rockery that we have.................but, this year we seem to have LOADS more than previ

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:22

Does anyone know the tree here in Italy called ............(I think!)...............'amoro'............OR 'umbrello'? We have one tree that sprouts like a 'good-un', there are others around here in Le Marche, but every year they are SEV

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 08:55

Apologies for the nature of this subject ! Having a great time here in Le Marche, but one thing that has me stumped is what I can only imagine is some sort of 'poop' (for want of a better word). VERY regularly(maybe weekly), we can be sitting on t

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 07:43

Can anybody confirm that as of January 1st 2011, it will be actually illegal for shops to provide plastic bags for you to carry your shopping home? Thanks in advance, S

Tue, 12/07/2010 - 12:47

Comments posted

Mon, 05/09/2011 - 05:16

adriatica..................however am willing to be told differentley by someone that has got stuck by a six month rule which to be honest i have never heard of.......... This is indeed not correct, you can get residency much quicker than this (as I did), the taxes that you mention are also in line with my understanding............ S

Sun, 05/08/2011 - 11:59

Sorry about St Andrews' weather, great sunshine & 25 in the shade here...but gets cooler in the evening............must check for fireflies tonight ! S

Answer to: Lovely Lizards
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 14:32

Thanks for the feedback, We are in our 3rd spring here and certainly there seem to be more vole (holes). Re the moles, imagine a 2 metre long railway sleeper................. I have one here that was lifted at one end by 3-5cms and then the typical volcanic mound of earth appeared. They obviously are pretty fit ones here. Our (single, but has friends! ) male kittykat enjoys the odd WHOLE lizard, but seems a bit 'laissez-faire' (what is the Italian equivalent ?) about the vole and mole digging army. I'm hacking the 'lawn' (ha) in the next day or two so this may help. S

Answer to: Porcospina
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 07:25

We are at 399 metres (yes!!), but not seen any fireflies yet this year, but I suspect the improvement in the weather will bring them out. I am VERY envious of the Storks in the sky..............wow...................any babies due ? (Ha!) S

Answer to: Italgas
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 12:45

Hi TheItalianLife, how much is the gas? I am expecting to get some soon and am sort of thinking it will be circa 95 centimi per litre (after reductions).............gulp!! S

Answer to: Porcospina
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 12:28

With the greatest respect, we DEFINITELY see fireflies here (Penna San Giovanni) in May, certainly for the last three years we have, we usually have a few friends around here in the second week of May and they are all delighted to see them. I LOVE the idea that someone thought they were LED lights in the bushes HA!!! S 

Answer to: Porcospina
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 04:22

I agree TheItalianLife, life here AND the wildlife here is great, (not sure about the scorpions, grass snakes and vipers !!). All is well, as this year we have seen a 'pack' (?) of 6 cinghiale ambling in the fields 20 metres below our house, and we regularly see deer (not sure what type they are - white/cream stripe across their bums ?) and much less regularly porcupines. Havn't seen any fireflies yet? A few days ago I was having a cuppa on a bench that we have in the garden and heard this (sort of) barking type of noise behind me.............nervously looking around ...........it was a big deer 30 metres away, leaping through the grasses 'roaring' as it went............ Wow! Also, one of the birds that we get here (Le Marche)is the Hoopoe............what a beauty!!! S

Answer to: Lovely Lizards
Thu, 04/28/2011 - 09:19

elliven & Angie and Robert............ Thanks for your responses, me thinks you are correct...........we have a decent sized rockery, that explains the volume (probably the increased volume is due to that we now have a (as in one) cat, instead of in previous years a number of ferals. A few mole hills have appeared recently, one of which LIFTED (only by an inch or so), a two metre long railway sleeper ! I suppose I now need to find a way of reducing the vole population............ Thanks again, S

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 06:04

Well done and thanks adriatica, very full and thorough ...........great, we did have some (significant-ish) work done on the property a year after we bought, as part of the project I again requested and received an updated agibilata, complete with latest plans from the Comune. I shall rest !! S

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 09:43

adriatica, good to hear your thoughts, and thanks for the support. I think it was more luck than wise..........! As mentioned earlier, I wonder though how often one should (for want of a better word) 'update' it. I have this feeling that maybe in 5 years or so, if we were to sell, someone would say ah-ha............that certificate is out of date............it 's (8) YEARS OLD ? As Ram said earlier, once you have one it is ok and not time related ? S