sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I access BBC iPlayer through My Private Network and it works absolutely perfectly. Some time ago (I think maybe 12/18 months or so ?), some kind soul explained on this forum how to extend the viewing time by renaming the downloaded file. Can anyon

Mon, 05/30/2011 - 01:35

Sadly, it looks like some people will again be struggling to get here and/or go back for the bank holiday weekend coming up next week, hopefully a lot of rescheduling can be undertaken? As a point of interest, the following website shows the lack

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 08:15

I don't know if it is me (or my computer !) but .....................every now and then, it is like this forum goes to sleep. I was only thinking the other week how fantastically useful the forum is for getting and donating information, research,

Sun, 05/08/2011 - 06:06

Sorry..............does anybody know an Indian Restaurant in Macerata area ?S

Wed, 05/04/2011 - 15:18

For those who can't get to see the wedding on Friday, this link might help........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kav0FEhtLug S

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 03:55

Prior to buying our little bit of Italy, I insisted on having a certificate of habitation fully signed and sealed. Does this have to be renewed at any point or is it only if I sell sometime in the future? S

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:25

I don't dislike the lizards that bask in the sun and race around (and seem to bite each others tails?) the garden and rockery that we have.................but, this year we seem to have LOADS more than previ

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:22

Does anyone know the tree here in Italy called ............(I think!)...............'amoro'............OR 'umbrello'? We have one tree that sprouts like a 'good-un', there are others around here in Le Marche, but every year they are SEV

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 08:55

Apologies for the nature of this subject ! Having a great time here in Le Marche, but one thing that has me stumped is what I can only imagine is some sort of 'poop' (for want of a better word). VERY regularly(maybe weekly), we can be sitting on t

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 07:43

Can anybody confirm that as of January 1st 2011, it will be actually illegal for shops to provide plastic bags for you to carry your shopping home? Thanks in advance, S

Tue, 12/07/2010 - 12:47

Comments posted

Fri, 11/12/2010 - 08:07

I've been fine at this end ogni giorno............you weren't wearing mittens were you ????  smiley S

Answer to: CAR topic.......
Thu, 11/11/2010 - 04:56

Good news...........Once I get into the routine (18 months down the road, and now in the calendar!),......... my neighbour's car seems to be getting through its health checks and has 177,000 kms on the clock ! On that basis, mine has only just been 'run in' with 33,000kms! Originally, when we bought it, we thought we'd renew every two/three years or so, but I think I may extend that period now ! ciao ciao, S

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 11:32

I have a BIG question mark on the value of being 'resident', other than it being the 'right' thing to do. The extra tax that you allude to would become payable 18 months after the acquisition of your property if you remain non-resident. The health insurance is (I believe) only required for two years, I'm not aware of it being an annual hit? The 'only one of you' option of taking up residency would work I think ONLY if that one person is the sole owner, if the property is jointly owned, I would assume that the other half would have to pay the extra taxes. If you were to agree to change from joint ownership to single ownership, there would be significant costs associated with that. The half a house would have to be sold from one to the other at the 'going rate' and therefore you would have notary fees and taxes associated with that !! As mentioned earlier, I am an ex-pat, not an ex-pert ! Good luck! S

Mon, 10/18/2010 - 01:29

Thanks Capo Boi, I've JUST heard some news on Sky that the Inter game was interrupted yesterday due to some idiots chanting racist comments. In the background they showed the winning goal, and......................the match commentary was in English !!! S

Fri, 10/15/2010 - 02:17

I'd pay the tax and claim a refund at the end of a given month. That way you'd be legally in the clear whilst driving across the UK? Why on earth anyone would re-register in Italy is beyond me............check what your (just) 3rd party insurance costs will be before you do it !!!!  S

Mon, 10/11/2010 - 05:50

Assuming you have residency, I thought that she in effect could piggy back on your residency? Do you jointly own the house? Interesting what-ifs that you have raised.........My wife and I both have residency(ex UK)............but beyond the EU boundaries could indeed be a very large can of worms? S

Sun, 10/10/2010 - 13:38
Answer to: Lynx
Sun, 10/10/2010 - 06:49

You're obviously well up to date with modern lounging techniques Annec !! I did see it before the carafe was empty ! S

Sat, 10/09/2010 - 06:44

There is always risk when you buy a property anywhere.............BUT...........if you can read and understand the basics I'd go without the lawyer. The notary has responsibility in making sure the legal ownership etc is identified and rules are adhered to. He will not do a survey on the property so things such as who owns the road , white goods, boiler are in working order etc are your responsibility, I got away with it  S smiley

Fri, 10/08/2010 - 06:52

Good stop off place.............the oldest hotel in Germany is there. S