sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I access BBC iPlayer through My Private Network and it works absolutely perfectly. Some time ago (I think maybe 12/18 months or so ?), some kind soul explained on this forum how to extend the viewing time by renaming the downloaded file. Can anyon

Mon, 05/30/2011 - 01:35

Sadly, it looks like some people will again be struggling to get here and/or go back for the bank holiday weekend coming up next week, hopefully a lot of rescheduling can be undertaken? As a point of interest, the following website shows the lack

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 08:15

I don't know if it is me (or my computer !) but .....................every now and then, it is like this forum goes to sleep. I was only thinking the other week how fantastically useful the forum is for getting and donating information, research,

Sun, 05/08/2011 - 06:06

Sorry..............does anybody know an Indian Restaurant in Macerata area ?S

Wed, 05/04/2011 - 15:18

For those who can't get to see the wedding on Friday, this link might help........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kav0FEhtLug S

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 03:55

Prior to buying our little bit of Italy, I insisted on having a certificate of habitation fully signed and sealed. Does this have to be renewed at any point or is it only if I sell sometime in the future? S

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:25

I don't dislike the lizards that bask in the sun and race around (and seem to bite each others tails?) the garden and rockery that we have.................but, this year we seem to have LOADS more than previ

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:22

Does anyone know the tree here in Italy called ............(I think!)...............'amoro'............OR 'umbrello'? We have one tree that sprouts like a 'good-un', there are others around here in Le Marche, but every year they are SEV

Mon, 04/18/2011 - 08:55

Apologies for the nature of this subject ! Having a great time here in Le Marche, but one thing that has me stumped is what I can only imagine is some sort of 'poop' (for want of a better word). VERY regularly(maybe weekly), we can be sitting on t

Wed, 04/06/2011 - 07:43

Can anybody confirm that as of January 1st 2011, it will be actually illegal for shops to provide plastic bags for you to carry your shopping home? Thanks in advance, S

Tue, 12/07/2010 - 12:47

Comments posted

Fri, 03/12/2010 - 14:32

 4 lessons (FOUR !!!!) I am now on my 3rd year of lessons (roughly 1 per week), and have gone through 3 teachers !! I communicate (of a sorts), but living here in Le Marche, most of my neighbours speak dialetto!!!! The biggest thing that we have done is to 'go for it'.............don't mumble, say what you think and the recipient usually helps out. The other thing is obviously, you have your phrase all worked out and the 'they' respond ....................at breaknight speed!!!!!!!!!!! Molto difficile! But we love it !!!!!! S

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 08:55

  I am under the impression that the UK 'WILL' rules ok?! BUT, we have a single A4 sheet of handwritten, named, signed and dated 'WILL' in Italy, effectively summarising our desire to have the UK 'WILL' to be the one that is carried out?

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 04:40


Mon, 03/01/2010 - 12:40

 Valentina/Ronald/Who-ever........... Why can we not have a thank you button/option? Is it a technical issue? If so what precisely is the issue? S

Answer to: Grumpy Old Men
Mon, 03/01/2010 - 12:38

I agree..............I do feel though that I assume that I am allowed to express my views (for or against) re living here. I have chosen to live here, I can choose also to live elsewhere. I still have a view though! I lived in South Africa some years ago and sadly, the locals knew when a plane from England arrived ..................it kept whining ! Most days (if not everyday), I pronounce to anyone in earshot 'I love my life here'. And it's true! Where I will be in 5/10 years who knows..................but we could be a LOT worse off. S

Mon, 03/01/2010 - 09:42

 Hi...........it was unobtainable for me too....................quite sad as it is not as 'good' as it was (for me). I have said that I'm not keen on the 'guess the object etc' themes that seem to be growing in number. But........... I wouldn't actually mind (following Man Utds 'triumph(?)' yesterday) looking at actually how successful they are......... Are they the most successful British team in Europe? (no......... it's Liverpool!) Are they the most successful team in the League Cup? (no......... it's Liverpool!) Are they the most successful in winning the top league competition in England (no...... it's Liverpool!) They are however catching up and when they pay off their £750million debt (tee hee!), they will go on to be the best. Ha !! S

Mon, 03/01/2010 - 09:06

 Well...............I think it may be bye bye Italian Sky for us................ Not THAT bothered really but the only (?) BBC input has now disappeared as of today ! What's going on??? S

Fri, 02/26/2010 - 09:52

Can't argue with that...........I just arrive on the site (looking for info to receive or to give) and see a range of these ..............I suppose I need to be more tolerant ! (Ha!!) S

Fri, 02/26/2010 - 09:37

 I'm sure I'll get some stick, but I find these 'guess the object/location/size/colour etc etc' very tedious. Apologies to those who enjoy them.................not for me I'm afraid! S

Answer to: Satellite TV
Tue, 02/23/2010 - 10:56

  Sabina, your explanation is EXACTLY my position, I am not in the linguistic position to argue their points (as I would do in the UK), but................ a recorded delivery letter will be off next week as our 'annual contract' is due circa 12th June. We have had similar problems in Italy with our house & car insurance (both of which I hate with a vengeance!). If you want to change from one supplier to another the small print in the contract is a very specific time related 'tie-in' (we currently have 2 TWO !! house insurances !! (probably both of which are invalidated by having the other !!). Go carefully one and all !! S