sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I have yet to find out how to reply to AN INITIAL posting, I only seem to be able to reply to REPLIES to the initial posting...............I've looked but obviously I'm missing something!!??

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 11:10

Whoa....................warming up here nicely at the mo..............................35 in the shade..............

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:42

Things grow SO fast here (in le Marche) that I was wondering if it would be throwing some potatoes into the ground to see if they grow? Is it too hot or too dry does one think? S

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:22

Can I just say that after expressing much dismay and dissatisfaction with the manner  (and way) of the changes to Italymag over recent months...............I for one think that it now is working like a dream..................very very well done fo

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:14

WELL !!!!!What staggering storms we are having at the moment !!The most violent cloudburst (thunder, lightening, staggering amount of rain!).................Having experienced some aroud the world (Americas/Africa etc)................I think today

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 11:25

I REALLY would like a 'thank you' button somewhere, is it there and I can't find it? S

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 00:13

Folks, Hope you can help here?Can I buy PLASTIC guttering (and fittings) here in Italy? If so where would I get it? Thanks in advance.............

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 11:56

I think I (who have been very disappointed in the past!) need to eat some humble pie.......... Now that the enhancements have been made, (with the honourable exception of the search facilit) the site is now workable and (for me) understandable....

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:56

I planted an Orange tree, with all it's lovely buds and leaves................................ Well, it looked like all was going well, then the flowers dropped orf!!!!!!!!! A big GREEN 'thingy' was there............

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:49

Friends, Romans, Countrymen................Wow , there have been improvements, well done to those involved, it is actually getting there, I think we still need :

    Wed, 06/10/2009 - 16:17

    Comments posted

    Wed, 08/03/2011 - 14:04

    'Getting this stuff from your PC to your TV is likely to be the most tricky stage' This is just a single cable (HDMI the best), just check your slots(PC & TV) S

    Tue, 08/02/2011 - 13:45

    Lots of posts on this previously, I am here in Le Marche using wireless Fidoka (4mb - 23Euro/month) and a VPN supplier (My Private Network - £5/month) since mid 2008, I'd rate it 8/10 which is probably a little harsh, but will not be changing in the near future which says a lot? Get all BBC & ITV, Sky News live plus Ch4, ITV etc etc, early named channels received better than others S

    Thu, 07/28/2011 - 08:53

    I have to say that reading through all the helpful comments that have been made, well done Italy Mag members ! I think (??) the 'prelazione' is a bit like in the UK when you sign contracts but not yet at the point of 'completing'. Once you sign the prelazione: you are COMMITTED to buying (whatever the agreed property and contents are) at the agreed price (or you lose as a minimum your deposit). Once the seller signs the prelazione: they are COMMITTED to selling (whatever the agreed property and contents are) (or they are required to pay you DOUBLE the deposit that you have paid). So make sure that all of what you want (and don't want) is covered in specific clauses. For what it's worth, given all the other advice you have received, we did not use a solicitor, utilising only the Geometra and the Notaio (along with our own common sense). Good luck, S

    Thu, 07/28/2011 - 08:52

    Grazie Ram...............I must admit, when I was writing I thought..............am I right here ? Obviously not ! Sorry ..............I do recall now........ I'll lie down for a bit ! S

    Tue, 07/26/2011 - 04:41

    Well worth checking out by the sounds of it, and very interesting that you found that the hotel finder website suggested that it was a full (I assume they would ave been allocated a certain number of rooms ?).............I'll mark it as a possible for next time...............not SURE about the yodelling grannies though crying S

    Sun, 07/17/2011 - 12:06

    Gosh, I'm surprised that one needs 15Kw !! We have a four bed/3 bathroom house on two levels, pool pump, electric oven, toaster etc etc, Strimmer, hedge trimmer etc etc.    all the rest is mainly gas and when I look at our actual 'current' usage, it is rarely more than 4Kw. The pool pump runs MAINLY after midnight, (for cheaper tariff) but does kick in a few times during a day S

    Sat, 07/16/2011 - 16:19

    Super contribution..............I don't think anyone would actively LOKK to get stung by anything, and also some of us are more susceptible than others and equally react differently, but this is indeed a realist view of the danger (or not !), Bravo, S

    Fri, 07/15/2011 - 08:54

    I'll be interested to see Charlotte's professional response............I would have thought that what you are thinking is correct, but..........why not have it (professionally) translated and lodged (not prepared) with the Notary ? Also (to save Charlotte time)................can we somehow post a SINGLE, UNCOMMENTABLE post outlining this example to lots of others for the future. It is a regular topic ? S

    Fri, 07/15/2011 - 07:00

    Penny........There is me thinkig that I'm getting better ............I agree with the 'affetto' referring to 'me/I', but would not have got the 'ho' bisogno, I shall lie down for a bit (again!) You have to say Google did quite a good job ? S

    Thu, 07/14/2011 - 09:30

    Obviously there will be far better translatORS amongst us, but looking at the Google translation gives the following: Sono affetti da shock anafilattico dopo essere stato punto da una vespa, ho preso la mia dose di adrenalina da un EpiPen ma hanno bisogno di un ospedale per ulteriori trattamenti. It looks close to what I would expect with my limited italiano lingua ! Not sure what the "EpiPen" is though ? S