sprostoni's activity

Questions Asked

I have yet to find out how to reply to AN INITIAL posting, I only seem to be able to reply to REPLIES to the initial posting...............I've looked but obviously I'm missing something!!??

Wed, 08/12/2009 - 11:10

Whoa....................warming up here nicely at the mo..............................35 in the shade..............

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:42

Things grow SO fast here (in le Marche) that I was wondering if it would be throwing some potatoes into the ground to see if they grow? Is it too hot or too dry does one think? S

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:22

Can I just say that after expressing much dismay and dissatisfaction with the manner  (and way) of the changes to Italymag over recent months...............I for one think that it now is working like a dream..................very very well done fo

Sat, 07/18/2009 - 10:14

WELL !!!!!What staggering storms we are having at the moment !!The most violent cloudburst (thunder, lightening, staggering amount of rain!).................Having experienced some aroud the world (Americas/Africa etc)................I think today

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 11:25

I REALLY would like a 'thank you' button somewhere, is it there and I can't find it? S

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 00:13

Folks, Hope you can help here?Can I buy PLASTIC guttering (and fittings) here in Italy? If so where would I get it? Thanks in advance.............

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 11:56

I think I (who have been very disappointed in the past!) need to eat some humble pie.......... Now that the enhancements have been made, (with the honourable exception of the search facilit) the site is now workable and (for me) understandable....

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:56

I planted an Orange tree, with all it's lovely buds and leaves................................ Well, it looked like all was going well, then the flowers dropped orf!!!!!!!!! A big GREEN 'thingy' was there............

Wed, 06/17/2009 - 16:49

Friends, Romans, Countrymen................Wow , there have been improvements, well done to those involved, it is actually getting there, I think we still need :

    Wed, 06/10/2009 - 16:17

    Comments posted

    Tue, 05/11/2010 - 09:48

    My understanding aligns with Penny's view............you MUST have a recognised translator present (it will be recorded in the documentation) at the time of signing. S

    Answer to: Chelsea........
    Tue, 05/11/2010 - 09:44

    Rafa Benitez..................PLEASE go...........Liverpool, the most successful English club in history (in terms of trophies won) is slowly dying under your regime.........we are now even struggling to get into any European competition!! And even Man Utd have caught us up in the number of League/Championship wins (18 each)........... (I know that we've won the European Champions Cup 5 times already and countless Eufa trophies, but that's all history as they say...............!) S (Ha!!)

    Thu, 05/06/2010 - 13:50

    Cilla10................ I think the estimates for your wall are outrageous................you(we all) have to remember that the Italians think 'we' are rich. I tend to take the line that...................before getting any quotes at all.................what do you think you would (want) to pay for a job?  If the price is somweher around what you would want to pay then just go for it. In my experience here (limited ..............2/3years)....there seems to be a lot of 'cousins'. !! Good luck, enjoy etc etc! S

    Sat, 05/01/2010 - 05:23

    I have one of these in a pot south facing (at 400m), it just goes for it..........we have flowers that appeared last year for the first time for ONE DAY and then they were gone !!

    Mon, 04/12/2010 - 14:01

    A couple of things........... WELL done for sorting it out, Sad that it wasn't 'accepted' as an actual problem (to my knowledge) What was the actual problem ? ...........please let meknow (either publicly or otherwise), I'm not bothered one way or another, it's just that if someone overlooks something, then hopefully 'someone' learns. It helps 'us' to feedback and know that someone is listening ? To finish ............well done for acknowledging that there was a problem (and with the greatest respect) with something that had (or hadn't) been done.....by Microsoft (or someone else!!!!!) Again, well done for sorting...........let's go forward!!!!!! S

    Answer to: Gordon
    Mon, 04/12/2010 - 13:52

    Let's see if you love it in 6 weeks or so !!?

    Answer to: At odds
    Sun, 04/11/2010 - 05:21

    Some years ago, having spent a few years worth of holidays visiting the Italian lakes, Umbria and Tuscany areas, we decided we could maybe retire to Italy. We ended up in part of Italy which was not on our radar at all - Le Marche ! Magnificent scenery, (40 mins east to the beach, 40 mins west to the (small) ski-slopes!) very much REAL Italy, it's like stepping back 30 years in time when you look at the lifstyle, but with the added bonus of having some of the good things of the modern era thrown in. We now go on holiday to the previous regions of interest .............in the car normally.............a few hours drive from home and we can be pretty much anywhere on mainland Italy...........no regrets whatsoever! S

    Tue, 03/30/2010 - 15:11

     OFFICIALLY...........You have to be resident to buy a car here, (crazy but true!) EXPECT problems with insurance here, the only insurer who will (sort of) recognise your many years no claims is Direct line Italy. Car insurance here is SKY (I mean massively SKY) high.........you need to sort it out ASAP when you get over here. I think they recognise it within your first 12 months. S

    Tue, 03/30/2010 - 15:05

      Wonderful............Where are you coming from (location) and where are you coming to (location). If both of these locations are within 50kms of my needs I'll be in touch S

    Tue, 03/30/2010 - 08:30

    Would it not be better to say to Sky Italia..............go away, I am cancelling my contract forthwith ? I suspect the impact of the loss of revenue would be of interest to them? S