pamela's activity

Questions Asked

We bought our current house almost two years ago.

Sat, 07/20/2013 - 04:04

Is there any kind of standard tariff of charges for the work a geometra does? Or is it just a free for all and they can charge whatever the market will bear / they can get away with? 

Thu, 06/06/2013 - 16:28

German friends of mine have had some building work done and they have asked for a receipt for this to give to their accountant in Germany so they can claim these expenses against eventual rental income.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 18:42

Regarding leases on rented accommodation:1. Is it usually the case that rental leases are either 18 months or 4 years? Is it possible to have a different term, say one year?

Fri, 11/09/2012 - 04:29

A youngish Italian friend of mine has recently lost her husband, unexpectedly after a short illness. She is struggling emotionally and I am helping her as best I can.

Sun, 09/16/2012 - 12:10

Marito is an extremely keen gardener and so we have an abundance of fruit and vegetables. I would therefore welcome any pointers to websites, books or just ideas about how to preserve / conserve / dry / pickle / ferment produce.

Fri, 07/20/2012 - 11:39

Is it legal to pay a finders fee for a property for a private sale? What is a usual amount?

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 05:26

While picking wild asparagus here in Sardinia yesterday I came across a very large patch of vigorous dark 'nettles' in and around an old ruined building.

Sun, 03/18/2012 - 05:26

What companies do people recommend for 'buildings and contents' holiday house insurance? Our premium goes up and up with Saga and we are wondering if there is another company we should try.

Fri, 02/24/2012 - 05:44

We have a house in the countryside in Sardinia. We have a TIM chiavetta for mobile broadband but there is no reception using this at the house for internet.

Wed, 10/05/2011 - 17:38

Comments posted

Fri, 07/06/2012 - 17:18

We had a TIM chiavetta which worked fine a few miles away but did not work at all well where we live now. We also began to explore the alternatives (eg - phone + ADSL, satellite) which for us would have been prohibitively costly.  What I found (by chance) by idly 'playing' with my UK network smartphone was that although the TIM signal at our house was only 2G both WIND and Vodafone were both 2G and 3G. My understanding is that 2G is fine for phone but not ok for internet which requires a 3G signal.  Because the UK phone 'roams' onto Italian networks while here it checks for a signal and connects to whatever company suits it - it is different at different times and places. On my phone I went through Settings > Wireless + Networks > Mobile networks > Network operators > Search networks, although this may be different on different phones.  We now have a Vodafone mobile WiFi device - a little modem in fact so up to five devices can connect - costing 15 euro for 5 GB per month on a two year contract. The signal is fine although it took a bit of trying out different places to put it before we settled on its current location.  We can watch a bit of YouTube and skype but we don't stream TV or films but we don't find this a disadvantage. 

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 09:50

I have had the "buy a full tank of petrol at the outset with no refund if you don't use it" arrangement with car hire in the USA as well. They told me at the time that this was how it was always done there. I contemplated the possibility of running the car completely out of petrol and then pushing it into the car park, to get my money's worth, but unfortunately I was only planning to be there for a few days and was not going very far during that time...

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 04:37

Although the question may have been tongue in cheek, it got me thinking. All of these below are what I do in order to be frugal - a financial necessity, but the results are also a pleasure. Give to neighbours / friends / acquaintances any vegetables, fruit, wine, olive oil etc that you have or produce. You will probably receive back in kind, and in abundance. Watch the expense of going to bars on a regular basis. Minimise eating at restaurants. Although balance this way of thinking with valuing sociability and supporting local businesses.  In the winter heat one area of the house and stay there mostly. Wear warmer clothes, even indoors. Don't expect to be toasty warm for a while and let yourself 'feel' the difference in seasons.  Use heavier bedding and if needed, hot water bottles. Go out walking around if you get cold - it may be warmer outdoors during the day if it is sunny. The exercise will warm you up anyway. Obviously not a solution in the snow / rain / wind. Saw or cut wood for the stove if you have one - warms you twice as the old saying goes. Perhaps change your thinking on what gives you pleasure and satisfaction - away from materialistic concerns - such as clothes, furnishings, electronic goods. Prioritise valuing human connection, natural beauty, the wonders of the built environment, ok health.  Walk, cycle, use public transport - don't hop in a car all the time.  Enjoy learning Italian and practice as much as you can. Feel good about your improvements in this area, rather than feeling self-critical about how lousy your language skills are, or worse giving up altogether. Become an observer of cultural differences - endlessly fascinating and always happening. Totally free entertainment - comedy, drama, tragedy, the everyday - it's all here.  And partaking of all of these activities above is also why I like being here!     

Answer to: Celebrating?
Sun, 06/03/2012 - 05:19

I actually thought you meant are we celebrating Festa della Repubblica. Here in Sardinia I see no sign of that being celebrated as many prefer to identify as Sard and not Italian! 

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 04:51

I guess it depends on what kind of mind you have. I like to have a variety of inputs in most situations - from professional advice through to anecdotal 'evidence' - to help me understand the context I am operating within- procedures, customs, mindsets etc - especially in a foreign country. Over the years I have had inaccurate, misinformed and indeed dishonest 'advice' from professionals and also local people, as well as valuable advice of course. And I have had wonderful help and useful advice from stranieri who have been down this way before. Stranieri can identify the points at which local procedures vary from that which we expect - and don't even realise we expect - and where to 'stai attente'. Local people can't do this in the same way, as to them it is just the way things are always done. It is all a bit of a minefield and for me, the more points of reference I have to 'draw' the maps by which I find my way, the better. But some people seem to find having a variety of inputs confusing, anxiety/anger provoking and frustrating. I don't. I have lived in four different countries so perhaps this facility is especially developed in me.  I have never understood the value in denigrating unknown people online. I don't know how it brings anything positive to either the recipient or the instigator. But again, different people have different ways of being in the world.   rachel68 - I salute your generosity of spirit in telling us your story and your gracious response to criticism. Good luck to you and your family. 

Answer to: Non EU in Italy
Fri, 03/02/2012 - 10:09

Plus being an Italian resident has disadvantages, not only advantages, if you don't actually live in Italy. Especially, as I am understanding from posts on this forum, re taxation and charges levied on overseas income and assets. Could be short term gain but long term pain. Do your research thoroughly. I add that I am no expert and could be wrong on this but it doesn't look that advantageous in the long term to me to chase this particular 'loophole'. 

Fri, 12/09/2011 - 05:28

My understanding is that a nonresident can't legally own a car. It is a different matter I guess whether a car dealer will sell a nonresident a car. I welcome correction if this is wrong. 

Wed, 11/30/2011 - 07:32

Does this mean if one is simply driving through these areas in a foreign registered car one needs to have snow tyres or chains and if not will be fined? I will be driving to Genoa from the UK to take the ferry to Sardinia in February.

Sat, 10/22/2011 - 09:36

Don't know the history behind the various personal tensions here. Do know that it makes me a bit perplexed and uncomfortable to see people being negative or argumentative towards others online. Enough strife in the world without adding more. I appreciate contributions which are informative, amusing, personal... whatever. I can see that some people have a bigger presence than others and I thank those who take the time to give of themselves.  I have no idea what all this is about "admin" - who are they? What did they used to do that made the forum different? Was it better? Are they absent because for economic reasons they need to attend more to the money making side of Italymag and the forum in itself does not generate income? If so, that seems ok to me. Glad there are not ads flashing at me all over the place as I browse the forum. 

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 10:48

Is there a particular term to use for this discount? Other than sconto?