Ram's activity

Questions Asked

 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Answer to: Scaffolding
Sun, 08/29/2010 - 13:03

Some comunes want money if the scaffolding is on 'their' property. You rent the space in effect.  But, I reckon, if you have done everything by the book and have permissions, you should be ok.... 

Fri, 08/27/2010 - 12:58

Since when is protecting your privacy a civic duty?  The law requires that you supply your Codice FIscale to buy a SIm card, as it does for nearly everything in Italy.  Is your NI number private property in the UK? No.  If you are a law abiding citizen with nothing to hide, there is no reason not to give your CF to those who ask for it.  If you have a house here, its a matter of public record anyway - I assume you didnt have a problem telling your details to the notaio?  I much prefer people knowing a number than being recorded on 300 CCTV cameras a day, as I would be if i still lived in london - and I dont think the courts would take my civic duty as a defence if I damaged them. 

Answer to: Parking problem
Fri, 08/27/2010 - 12:49

So if its not communal parking, what is it? is it on  private property? What exactly is the problem?

Fri, 08/27/2010 - 02:46

It sounds to me like the shop is doing a nice little business selling SIMs second hand as new - and at inflated prices - 15 euros for a sSIM?  It's completely illegal to do what the shop is doing. Perhaps when Lingpupas bank cards get phished, or they get their identity stolen they wont be so blase about their privacy,... 

Mon, 08/23/2010 - 03:45

Technically you should open the succession within 6 months of the death, and that will save you money.  You can do nothing, but when you finally get round to it you will pay higher costs.   Better to get it done in my opinion.  

Sat, 08/21/2010 - 14:38

The architect should have professional insurance - but it does not harm for you also to have a policy.  Any new buiild in Italy must be covered for faults in the construction for 10 years, and the builder and architect take responsibility for that.... but as Capo Boi says if you have to turn to the law it will be a lengthy and arduous process.  Make sure that your contract with the architect absolves you of any responsibility and places it all on his shoulders - get it translated by an independent translator if need be, and dont be afraid to add clauses. . 

Answer to: digging a well
Wed, 08/18/2010 - 02:57

Yes you need permission from the comune. 

Answer to: Property Visura
Tue, 08/17/2010 - 03:08

Reddito is the theoretical rentable value for the particella - like a rateable value - the dominicale is for normal people, the agrario is the rent that a registered farmer would pay - so it's less.   They have no practical application.  Nor does classe.  The different land uses are vineyard, oliveto, fallow, semi fallow etc - and obviously the value of the land varies with what it produces.   The visure have no practical benefit for someone trying to find out if the land is worth what the owner is asking.... 

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 02:24

I just slap it on.  Seems to work for me - but you have to do it all at the same time or they just migrate.  

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 13:35

Get down the ironmongers and buy some antitarme and brush it on sharpish - rovere isnt a very hard wood as hard woods go, adn they'll have a ball.  Paint it on and sleep elsewhere otherwise you'll be hallucinating for a couple of days. It should at least kill whats there and buy you some time.