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Questions Asked

I have just received a Health and safety bulletin regarding deaths from CO poisoning caused by the storage of pellets.It is common knowledge about the risk of death by CO absorption in the commercial sector by the storage of pellets but now there

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 09:12

Comments posted

Wed, 09/08/2010 - 18:22

Hi Billy, I think you can get it in Francavilla

Answer to: UK gas oven ?
Sun, 03/21/2010 - 05:05

If you are buying a new oven, it should be supplied with an exchage injector for use with LPG G30/31. If not, a suitable injector can be purchased here. I must stress for your own safety, and the safety of your guests, that simply changing an injector does not convert the oven, there are other adjustments that must be carried out. Plus ventilation and gas pipework and fitting regulations must be adhered to which are different to the UK at the moment. Last year I was called out to a rental villa where the guests had reported smoke and fire coming from the gas oven. The oven had not been converted to run on LPG, it was belching out carbon monoxide at a rate of 4000ppm, it had set fire to the kitchen housing, it had been piped with blue rubber hose which had partialy melted where it touched the oven, no ventilation etc etc.   But to answer your question, yes a UK oven can be used here after conversion , but I recomend using a qualified plumber to do the work. Regards Steve Reg Tecnico in Italy

Sat, 01/23/2010 - 12:25

 Penny, we thought the same so I called Intasure who informed us of a change in policy allowing permenant residence at the same price, so does not matter whether it is your primary home or a holiday home, but you must inform them. Regards, Steve.

Fri, 01/22/2010 - 11:03

 Hi Elizabeth, I know one that covers your area, as I do not know wether or not putting his name here publicly is advertising, I have sent a PM to you with his details. Regards, Steve.

Thu, 01/21/2010 - 05:25

 Hi Patrick L, the advice that has been given, especialy by Penny an Sebastiano is absolutly correct. It is however, assuming you require a Geometra for a specific project, the Geometra's legal responsability to ensure that the relative trades persons have the correct documentation, one of the main ones being the DURC (Documento Unico di Regolarita Contributiva) this proves to inspectors GDF etc that you are insured and have paid your taxes. If the Geometra is found to have failed to do the above the penaltys for the Geometra are steep, some Geometras will take risks others will not, so sound out your Geometra and see what he is willing to let you do personaly. As Sebastiano says, one the shell is up, I do not think there is anything to stop you doing your own finishing which is probably most of the cost of a new build anyway. As for Electrics Plumbing and Gas, these need to be completed by a registered trades man and certified by that tradesman and registered with the relevent authorities. Without these certificates you will not be able to get a habitability certificate if one is required. To many people part of the dream of liing in Italy is to potter one those sunny days and do a little work on there house or renavate part of it and having the satisfaction of standing back and looking at a finished project that you have done or partialy do yourself. With this in mind, I am thrashing out a plan that could make this possible and still come out at the other end with all the correct documentation for electrics and plumbing. Good Luck with your project. SteveW

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 13:49

 Hi Penny,This is not a problem.Your Tecnico can provide you with a new one if you ask for one in advance of the service, if you have any problems I could post you one when I place my stationary order.The one thing to take into account is that all boilers should have been registered with the provinces contracted office, and the deadline in my area was some months ago.My advice is to arrange a service asap and when the servicing company submits the allegato G they will have to register the installation at that point, but try to inform the Tecnico that this may be the case as there are slight differences to the registration requirement dates from province to province.Also if you know anyone else that may not have had their systems serviced, they may unwittingly be in the same situation so as above, arrange a service asap, as we do not yet know what penalties may be levied.RegardsSteve. 

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 06:34

Hi all,I hope the following information helps.As a registered heating and plumbing engineer including Tecnico di caldaie here in Italy, I am only too happy to answer any query's anyone may have regarding my line of work.Boiler services are an annual requirement by regulation, but every second year they must be flue gas analyzed and the results and printout of the results recorded on the libreto di impianti (which is the boiler service book) and the completed copy of the allegato G form which must be filled in during every service.The service records (form allegato G) are then lodged with whichever company your province has contracted to collate the data.The legislation that covers this area also states that all gas appliance eg cookers etc, must also be serviced at a period indicated by the manufacturers instruction for the appliance.If I can figure out how to, I will  upload a copy of a Libreto di Impianti and an Allegato G so you know what to look for.Whilst on the subject of gas, the regs also state that your gas installation pipework must be pressure tested for tightness every 10 years or after alterations and new installations.One other thing of interest is that boilers running on other fuels such as gas oil, wood boilers (including termocamino), pellet and sansa etc are also covered by this regulation as they also produce CO 2 emissions. I hope this helps.Regards,Steve.  

Answer to: log burner
Fri, 10/16/2009 - 04:04

Sagraiasolar's cautionary tale reminded me of a friends experience with furniture removers.After long delays getting the furniture shipped, the final cost exceeded the value of the furniture, and when it arrived they found that it did not suit their italian home and ended up getting rid of most of it and buying new here.Anyway, the reason for my post is to pass on the latest charges I have been charged for shipping woodburners from the UK.In September I imported a number of stoves including wood burners with back boilers to the Puglia region for customers.The shipping charges on the invoices from September were:160.00 GBP for a 225kg unit's, and 100.00 for a 115kg unit's.Prices can fluctuate greatly between suppliers, but these are the lowest costs I have had this year.If any one would like further information or advice, I will be only too happy to pass details / links etc for the companies involed. RegardsSteveW